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4 <br /> Mr. Cox said the idea of movin g Council elections to November has been around <br />for several years, and the City now has the option to align Council elections with state <br />elections. Mr. Cox said concern has been expressed about whether local elections get <br />their fair share of media exposur e, but he said there is no evidence of that being a <br />problem. He noted that Richmond saw a significant increase in voter participation when <br />it moved elections to November. Mr. Cox said that if Council approves the change, then <br />all Council candidates' term s will be shortened, and by making a recommendation prior <br />to the election, candidates will know the length of their term. Mr. Cox recommended that <br />Council approve the charge of the Task Force and ask that a definitive recommendation <br />be made. <br /> <br /> Mr. Craig B rown, City Attorney, said that moving the elections to November is a <br />relatively simple procedure, done by approval of an ordinance. He noted that the <br />ordinance cannot be adopted between January 1 and the date of the May Council election, <br />so the ordinance cannot be considered until after that time. Mr. Brown said Councilors' <br />terms would be shortened by six months and the change would need to be approved by <br />the Justice Department. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said that a minority representative should be on the Task Force bec ause <br />of Justice Department requirements. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked how long it would take for Justice Department approval, and <br />Mr. Brown said he would anticipate a relatively prompt response after an ordinance was <br />approved. He said we could talk to localities that have already made the change and see <br />how long it took for them. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said there is a flaw in the idea that candidates will know their length <br />of term in advance since the ordinance cannot be considered until after the election. She <br />said she is not opposed to the idea, but is not sure it is fair for candidates to not know. <br />Ms. Richards suggested that perhaps the change could be effective for 2007. Ms. Richard <br />said she would like to devise a method for the Task Force to study the exposure by the <br />media when moved to November. She agreed that there was substantial coverage of local <br />elections in the recent November elections for County officials. Ms. Richards suggested <br />adding a representative of the U. Va. Center for Politics to the Task Force. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling noted that two current Councilors' terms would be affected by the <br />change. Mr. Schilling said he would also like to look at barriers to greater public <br />participation. He said that he raised $15,000 in his Council campaign which he feels is <br />too much money, and he said it took him two months of full - time campaigning. He said <br />if he was not self employed he could not have competed for the seat. He said many <br />neighborhoods feel they have been left out of the process. He said he feels the City is too <br />large and proposed that three items be added to the Task Force charge: 1) study a <br />directly elected Mayor which would increase the accountability of this position; 2) in <br />order to broaden the applicant pool, consider electing Councilors by wards whic h would <br />allow candidates to reach fewer constituents and would drastically reduce the cost of <br />running for office and would allow more traditionally employed people to run; and 3) <br />study expansion to seven Councilors which would allow them to be more respons ive to <br />constituent requests. Mr. Schilling said wards would be done under the oversight of the <br />Justice Department. He said he feels Council values support studying these issues and he <br />would like to expand the Task Force to look at them. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati ex pressed concern that the deadline of a month for the Task Force to <br />report does not allow adequate time for input by the Republican and Democratic party to <br />their representatives. Mr. Caravati asked who will appoint the Task Force. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said that each group will bring forth their own names for the Task Force. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he supports Ms. Richards' suggestions and said he would like to <br />add time to enable the Task Force representatives to get a good sounding of their <br />memberships. Regarding Mr. Sch illing's suggestions, Mr. Caravati said he feels they are <br />good ideas to address another time. <br /> <br />