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7 <br /> Mr. Cox said he cannot support asking for the Attorney General opinion and does <br />not trust the opinion of the Attorney General. He said the strategy of an easement has <br />only been proposed because Council cannot get a fourth vote for a sale of land. He said it <br />is not good public policy and sets a bad precedent. He said it circumvents the intention of <br />the cons titution. He said we are looking at a failure of leadership locally. He said there <br />are clearly things that could make him support the Meadowcreek Parkway: a workable <br />interchange; replacement parkland; and commitment to a regional network, but said we <br />ha ve none of these three and a half years later. He said an easement is tantamount to <br />giving away the only bargaining power to have. He said he hopes the Attorney General <br />opinion helps in some way, but we need to ask if that opinion is going to change anyo ne's <br />mind. He said the conditions he listed are necessary for his vote and said he is willing to <br />come to a compromise. <br /> <br /> The motion to authorize the City Attorney to send the draft letter seeking an <br />opinion from the Attorney General on conveying land via an easement for the <br />Meadowcreek Parkway was approved by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Ms. <br />Richards, Mr. Schilling. Noes: Mr. Cox and Mr. Lynch. <br /> <br />nd <br />APPROPRIATION <br />: $5,578,000 - TRANSIT CENTER GRANT (2 reading) <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell said that Council has held a public hearing on this issue and the <br />Steering Committee has held a number of public meetings over the past year. He said the <br />improvements proposed will be constructed within the available grant funds. Mr. <br />O'Connell said Council is asked to ap propriate the grant funding and authorize <br />proceeding with final design, with the Steering Committee providing design oversight. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bill Letteri, Facilities Manager for the City, presented slides of the proposed <br />transit center and improvements to the eas t end of the downtown mall. Mr. Letteri said <br />the project has been fully embraced by the FTA. Mr. Letteri said Council is being asked <br />to: appropriate $5,578,000 in grant funds; authorize WRT to proceed with design <br />development; approve the CIDA land lease for the amphitheater (in separate action <br />following); and authorize the Steering Committee to provide oversight for the design <br />process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked how much has been spent of the $1 million grant already <br />appropriated. <br /> <br /> Mr. Letteri said $650,000 of th e grant was committed to WRT and $300,000 of <br />that has been expended to date. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if there is anything to preclude WRT moving forward with those <br />existing funds. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Caravati, Mr. Letteri said that there is stron g <br />interest on the part of Council regarding the design and he anticipates that as we get near <br />the end of design development that the design will go to the BAR and then formal <br />approval will be made by Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked if there will be an opport unity for public input along the way, <br />and Mr. O'Connell said that if the same model is used as was used by the Steering <br />Committee previously, then there will be public meetings along the way. Mr. O'Connell <br />noted that all Steering Committee and BAR meeting s are open to the public as well. He <br />said one of the duties of the Steering Committee will be to lay out a schedule. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he wants to make sure that is a focus. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling made a motion to withhold the appropriation and allow the archi tect <br />to work with the available funding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he is supportive of all the recommendations short of the <br />appropriation, and asked if Mr. Schilling will support that as a friendly amendment then <br />he will second the motion. <br />