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8 <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he w ill accept the amendment. <br /> Mr. Caravati asked about the impact on the project if the grant funds are not <br />appropriated. <br /> <br /> Mr. Aubrey Watts, Chief Operating Officer and Director of Economic <br />Development, said that appropriating the grant funds will send a str ong signal that it is <br />the desire of Council to see the project happen. He said if the funds are not appropriated <br />it will be thought by some people that the project will not occur. He said failure to <br />appropriate the grant funds may affect FTA approval and could substantially delay the <br />amphitheater project. <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell said that FTA and VDRPT are funders of this project and an issue <br />has been is this project going forward. He said a piece of this is saying that this is all one <br />project. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Caravati, Mr. Letteri said that if the funds are <br />appropriated then staff encumbers the funds. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he cannot support the motion. He said he does not think there is an <br />understanding of the impact it could have and would signal a reluctance on the part of <br />Council. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she thinks damage would be done to the credibility of Council's <br />commitment to FTA, VDRPT, CIDA and the amphitheater leasee. She said she thinks a <br />majority of Council is committed to the project. <br /> <br /> M r. Schilling's motion failed by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Lynch and Mr. <br />Schilling. Noes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Ms. Richards. <br /> <br /> The appropriation of the $5,578,000 grant for the Transit Center, authorizing <br />WRT to proceed with design development, an d authorizing the Steering Committee to <br />provide design oversight, was approved by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. <br />Cox , Ms. Richards. Noes: Mr. Lynch and Mr. Schilling. <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , on June 27, 2002, City Council approved appropriation of <br />$1, 000,000 in grants from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Virginia <br />Department of Rail and Public Transportation to support the design and construction of a <br />multi - modal transit facility; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , the architectural firm of Wallace, Robert s & Todd, LLC (WRT) was <br />hired to develop an urban design plan for the downtown and West Main Street areas, to <br />include the proposed transit facility; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , in January 2003 City Council approved the City's application for <br />$5,578,000 in grant funds f or this project, and City staff recommend approval of an <br />appropriation equal to that amount, subject to receipt of said FTA and VDRPT grant <br />funds; now, therefore, <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED <br /> by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that <br />the sum of $5,5 78,000.00 to be received as grants from the Federal Transit <br />Administration and the Virginia Department of Rail & Public Transportation is hereby <br />appropriated to account code 26 - 191 - 092052 in the Capital Projects Fund to support the <br />design and construction of a multi - modal transit facility. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he is broadly in favor of the idea of a transit center. He said that <br />since August there has been no public input and no real drawings of what we are getting. <br />He said he thinks we owe it to the public to see what they are getting before we move <br />forward. <br /> <br />