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9 <br /> Mr. Cox said there has been no equivocation on Council about public input. He <br />suggested that a model be built and displayed in a public location downtown and that <br />other visual images be provided in plac es other than the City's website. <br /> <br />nd <br />ORDINANCE <br />: LEASE OF AMPHITHEATER PROPERTY TO CIDA (2 reading) <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he thinks we have to make sure we have a venue for Fridays After <br />Five this summer. <br /> Mr. Watts said that since the last Council discussion, discussions have been held <br />about enabling a Fridays After Five type event this summer. Mr. Watts said it is possible <br />some additional changes will be made in August. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he finds the amphitheater to be an interesting and exciting <br />project, but said he cannot support it because there are several unresolved questions, <br />including noise issues, parking for large venues; traffic in and out of downtown; and <br />th <br />traffic circulation with the closing of 7 Street. Mr. Schilling said he appreciates the <br />work that has gone into the project. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brown proposed a minor change to Page 9 of the ordinance. <br /> <br /> On motion by Ms. Richards, seconded by Mr. Caravati, the ordinance was <br />amended to incorporated the change suggested by Mr. Brown by the following vote. <br />Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards, Mr. Schilling. Noes: None. <br /> <br /> The ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE LEASING OF <br />TH <br />PROPERTY ON 7 STREET, N.E. (DOWNTOWN AMPHITHEATER AND <br />PORTION OF DOWNTOWN RECREATION CENTER) TO THE <br />CHARLOT TESVILLE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY," as amended, <br />st <br />which was offered at the December 1 meeting, was approved by the following vote. <br />Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards. Noes: Mr. Schilling. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />: GRASS CUTTING IN PUBLIC R IGHT - OF - WAY <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell explained that the issue of requiring citizens to maintain the public <br />right - of - way adjacent to their properties was brought to Council in August and Council <br />had asked that the properties be identified and that certain issues be addressed. Mr. <br />O'Connell said that doing this would save the City $35,000 to $40,000 annually. He <br />noted that other communities in Virginia have had success with this approach. He said an <br />extensive list of properties now maintained by the City, but recom mended to be <br />maintained by the property owner, has been provided to Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pat Plocek, Parks Manager, said that Council had asked that the properties be <br />looked at and he personally visited each property and made an assessment of the ability <br />of the owner to maintain the right - of - way, the slope of the property, and whether guard <br />rails are present. As part of this process, Mr. Plocek said that City owned lots are being <br />looked at and the possibility of selling them is being explored. Mr. Plocek said t hat it <br />takes significant time to load and unload the equipment to mow small strips of land. Mr. <br />Plocek said that by far the majority of citizens throughout the City maintain the rights - of - <br />way. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards asked if the problem could be resolved by conve ying the properties <br />to the adjacent property owners, but Mr. Plocek said that most of the properties have <br />easements. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if the people who will be affected have been notified, and Mr. <br />Plocek said they will be notified once the ordinance is ap proved. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling expressed concern that the public has not had an opportunity to <br />address this issue and because of this he is not ready to go forward with the ordinance. <br /> <br />