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8 <br />starts at this location. He said he does not think the solution to spending City money is <br />spending more on a predeter mined process. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards motion to terminate the RFQ and indicate to the developers who <br />have responded that the City is no longer interested in pursuing the project was approved <br />by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Ms. Richards, Mr. Schilling. Noes: Mr. Cox <br />and Mr. Lynch. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati made a motion that the steering committee study development <br />th <br />opportunities on Preston Avenue from 10 Street to the railroad tracks, and Mr. Schilling <br />seconded the motion. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said the membership of the committee should be broadened and <br />suggested that staff come back with the proposed membership, including property <br />th <br />owners, residents of 10 and Page, and perhaps one of the developers who responded to <br />the RFQ. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he would like to salvage some reporting back from the developers <br />who responded to the RFQ. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said that while funds have not been appropriated for this project, <br />staff time has been used. She said funds were appropriated for another study and she is <br />interested in the outcome of that study and would like it referred to the committee. She <br />said Preston Avenue is a great opportunity for the city. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said the Preston Commons site is the only site on Preston Avenue under <br />City control. He said we will have to defer t o property owners. He said he hopes there is <br />as much momentum to create projects as there was to stop this project. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati's motion that the steering committee study development <br />th <br />opportunities on Preston Avenue from 10 Street to the railroad trac ks was approved by <br />the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards, Mr. <br />Schilling. Noes: None. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />: FAIR HOUSING <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell explained that adoption of the Fair Housing Plan is a HUD <br />requirement and is done on a r egional basis. He said it is due to HUD in May. <br /> <br /> Ms. Missy Creasy, Planner in Neighborhood Development Services, said the Fair <br />Housing Plan is part of the Consolidated Plan that is approved every five years. She said <br />staff has been working on the Impedi ments to Fair Housing Choice document which <br />HUD said needed to be updated. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked for further explanation about the statement on page 11 <br />"support housing facilities by right," noting that some neighborhoods feel that we go too <br />far in suppor ting groups home already. <br /> <br /> Ms. Shae Garwood of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, said <br />that the recommendation came from the Disability Services Board and Arc of the <br />Piedmont. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Lynch, Ms. Creasy said fair housing laws <br />allow group homes with for people disabilities, but the number of individuals in youth <br />group homes can be limited. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked how many groups home we have in the City and in outlying <br />areas. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he does not think we can stop group homes but he does not <br />want to encourage them. He said they need to be regionalized. Mr. Caravati said he <br />would like to defer this matter and spend more time on it. <br />