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2 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED <br /> by the Council of the City of Charlottesville <br />that such document, the statements of fiscal policy set forth therein, and the estimates of <br />revenues and exp enditures therein proposed by the City Manager and debated and adjusted by <br />the City Council, are hereby adopted as the annual budget of the City of Charlottesville, for <br />informative and fiscal planning purposes only, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 20 04, and <br />ending June 30, 2005; and that a true and correct copy of the same, as adopted, shall be kept on <br />file in the records of the Clerk of the Council. <br /> <br /> II. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlot tesville that: <br /> <br /> A. The sums hereinafter set forth are hereby appropriated from the General Fund of the <br />City for the annual operation of the City departments, other agencies and non - departmental <br />accounts so set forth, effective July 1, 2004. <br /> <br /> <br />Man agement <br /> <br />Mayor and City Council $163,997 <br /> <br />City Council Reserve $81,088 <br /> <br />Virginia Innovations Group $1,500 <br /> <br />Virginia Municipal League $11,148 <br /> <br />Virginia's First Cities $15,631 <br /> <br />Chamber of Commerce $2,500 <br /> <br />Virginia Institute of Government $2,500 <br />Thom as Jefferson Planning District $41,888 <br /> <br />Commission <br /> <br />Office of the City Manager $763,851 <br /> <br />Office of Communications $263,473 <br /> <br />Office of the City Attorney $512,654 <br /> <br />Office of General Registrar $237,700 <br /> <br />Department of Human Resources $800,703 <br /> <br />Neighborhoo d Development Services $1,901,737 <br />Subtotal $4,800,370 <br /> <br /> <br />Pay for Performance <br />Pay for Performance and Employee $1,648,578 <br /> <br />Benefits <br />Subtotal $1,648,578 <br /> <br /> <br />Debt Payment <br /> <br />Transfer to Debt Service Fund $5,350,000 <br />Subtotal $5,350,000 <br /> <br />Fund Balan ce Target Adjustment <br />Transfer to Fund Balance Target $200,000 <br /> <br />Adjustment <br />Subtotal $200,000 <br /> <br /> <br />Business Services & Technology <br /> <br />Business Services $239,800 <br /> <br />Commissioner of the Revenue $771,686 <br />Department of Finance/Real Estate $1,558,223 <br /> <br />Assessor <br /> <br />Office of the City Treasurer $886,090 <br />Subtotal $3,455,799 <br /> <br /> <br />Healthy Families & Community <br /> <br />Office of Economic Development $503,262 <br />Transfer to Convention and Visitors' $434,176 <br /> <br />Bureau <br />