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NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING <br /> <br />A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE <br />HELD ON Friday, September 17, 2004 AT 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 18, 2004 <br />AT 8:30 a.m. IN THE Wintergreen Resort. <br /> <br />THE PROPOSED AGENDA IS AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Annual Retreat <br /> <br />BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR <br /> <br />BY Jeanne Cox <br /> <br />WINTERGREEN- September 17 and 18, 2004 <br /> <br /> Council met in special session on this date with the following members present: <br />Dr. Brown, Mr. Caravati, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Schilling. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bob Matson and Ms. Tyler St. Clair facilitated the Council retreat. Also <br />present were Gary O'Connell, City Manager, Rochelle Small-Toney, Assistant City <br />Manager, Lisa Kelley, Deputy City Attorney, Maurice Jones, Director of <br />Communications, and Jeanne Cox, Clerk of Council. <br /> <br />Following is an outline of issues discussed at the retreat. <br /> <br />Vision Brainstorm <br /> <br />Council was first asked to deal with 2 questions: <br />What makes this City great? Forty years from now Charlottesville will still be... <br />Our leadership agenda (vision) that calls for change is... <br /> <br />Keep Brainstorm <br /> <br />(Group: Blake Caravati, Kendra Hamilton, Gary O'Connell, Lisa Kelley, Jeanne Cox) <br /> <br />Good food (i.e., Albemarle Baking) <br />Egalitarian Diversity - everybody respects each other. There's a sharing. <br />Intellectual traditions <br />Positive aspects of southern heritage: friendly, courteous, respectful people <br />Small town, but sophisticated (arts community, theater, entertainment, music scene <br /> (certain) <br />Eclectic personalities, colorful characters, visible unusual people, high tolerance of them. <br />Strong community and social networks <br />Economic stability (result of diversity). University of Virginia strong influence. <br />Transportation hub (airport service, interstate access, railroads) <br />Transiency of residents -turnover brings energy, diversity <br />Recreational opportunities <br />Presence of Monticello <br />Shopping/retail (other than clothing) boutiques, specialty food laces, wine, books, <br /> bookstores, (Book Festival) <br />Government accessible to citizens <br />Civilized - safe community (little violence; little gun violence) <br /> <br />(Group: David Brown, Kevin Lynch, Rob Schilling, Maurice Jones, Rochelle Small- <br />Toney) <br /> <br />Green - parks, beauty, clean water and air, trees <br />Locals - know history, stories, "how it was," Monticello <br />Engaged public - literate <br />Cosmopolitan beyond size <br />Variety: something for everyone - music, theater, improving for professionals <br />Small town feel - meet acquaintances, neighborly, even know who bad apples are <br />University - cosmopolitan, literacy, make more than small town, economic stability, great <br /> <br /> <br />