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health care <br />Can get places relatively quickly/easily <br />Safe, peaceful <br />Always something to do <br />Historic and unique streetscapes <br />Attention to built environment, not cookie-cutter <br />Small enough that problems seem manageable <br />Civility <br />Size <br />Schools - private not necessary; arts - band, orchestra, choir; sports; community <br /> support/interest; U. Va. resources <br />Arts - 1st Fridays; Fridays After Five; wealth of talent in many areas; Music Resource <br /> Center <br />Volunteerism - Book Buddies; Computers 4 Kids <br />Neighborhoods <br />Neighborhood Associations <br />Government: clean, good, neighborhood support <br />Walkable - more accessible; transit, bikes <br />Clean <br />Attracts vanguard types: cutting edge <br />Diversity - increasing with Latino, IRC; lack of tension; tolerance <br />Neighborhood diversification <br />Downtown Mall <br /> <br />Change Brainstorm <br /> <br />(Group: Blake Caravati, Kendra Hamilton, Gary O'Connell, Lisa Kelley, Jeanne Cox) <br /> <br />Synchronize street lights - increase red light enforcement <br />Eliminate poverty, have lots of entry-level jobs not enough mid-level (diversity economy) <br />Achievement gap (eliminate)/City Schools <br />Transportation infrastructure (enhance); built roads pursuant to established plan of action <br />Get people (City residents) out of cars into/onto alternative modes of transportation <br />Work for alternative sentencing, restorative justice <br />Achieve affordable housing goals (increases in stock) <br />Eliminate pockets of high crime; drug problems; domestic violence; more focused efforts <br /> on family dysfunctions (remedying of) <br />Proactive (commercial) economic development/redevelopment efforts; diversity tax base <br />Increase environmental stewardship/protection of natural resources <br />Become lean, mean, money-making machine (quality of life - increased efficiency of <br /> government) <br />Pursue involvement of U. Va. as a partner in <br /> - funding of services, provision of housing <br /> - economic development activities <br /> - as a local "citizen" (pay in lieu of taxes, etc.) <br />Get rid of Dillon Rule/state dominance (mandated services, not funded) <br /> <br />(Group: David Brown, Kevin Lynch, Rob Schilling, Maurice Jones, Rochelle Small- <br />Toney) <br /> <br />Traffic worsening <br />Poverty: lack of housing; families in poverty; lack of vision of future <br />Educational achievement gap <br />Public transit <br />Imbalance of household income/cost of living (lots of professionals, etc.) <br />Underemployment or poor paying jobs <br />Teen pregnancy <br />Drugs: use; crime; out-of-town dealers <br />Hard for newcomers (transience) <br />Lack of social scene for professional African-Americans (event driven) <br />Racial communications issues (old hurts/past <br />Rising assessments <br /> <br /> <br />