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Initiative program to initially capitalize a fund. Decision point: a) Do you desire to <br />create or be part of a housing trust fund and if so, request staff to work with other <br />non-profits in the community to put together a specific housing trust fund program <br />for Council to consider? b) As a matter of policy, would you like to take dollars <br />from the sale of closed right-of-way and sale of other public land to put into the <br />housing trust fund? and c) Do you consider it appropriate to take part of the <br />housing initiatives fund to begin the initial capitalization of a City contribution to <br />that trust fund? <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he does not think it is equitable for the City to pick up half of the <br />trust fund for a regional plan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Armstrong said the City funds would not co-mingle with County funds. He <br />said PHA will only manage the funds, and they will be used to leverage other funds. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said there is a balance of $400,000 in the housing initiative funds, <br />though some of that is already committed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch expressed concern about using all the housing funds for this, and <br />questioned whether more funding should be provided for housing initiatives. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that the housing initiative fund is flexible. He said a decision can <br />be made on an annual basis about whether to put funds in the trust fund or decide on <br />other uses. Dr. Brown said the committee could make recommendations about how the <br />funds are spent. <br /> <br /> Mr. Armstrong said the vision for the trust fund is for a multi-year commitment in <br />order to get matching funds. He said this will allow continuity in programs. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he aims to put as much money as possible into housing. He said <br />we need to help 25% of the population with rental housing. He said we need to protect <br />our citizens, but not be a magnet. <br /> <br />Dr. Brown said that what the City can do for low-income renters is not addressed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he thinks we need to address the issue of increasing salaries of <br />those households who make less than $25,000. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she feels it is important to explore participation in the trust <br />fund, and if we do it, there needs to be a dedicated income stream. She said we need <br />more information on what it would do and how flexible it would be. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he needs more information, though he thinks it is an interesting <br />concept. He said he favors flexibility. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said we need to start thinking about what is our greatest need. He said <br />we may want to change the focus to low-income rental housing. Dr. Brown <br />recommended that Council return to the decision points in December. <br /> <br /> 9) The remainder of the Housing Strategy contains primarily administrative <br />recommendations to make all these other activities happen. Decision points: Do <br />you desire to adopt the Housing Strategy? <br /> <br />Mr. Lynch expressed concern about a paid position. <br /> <br />Dr. Brown suggested that discussion of this item be deferred until December. <br /> <br />Other Business <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he would like to see another vote on the implementation date of <br />the water protection ordinance, and thinks Council should go back to what it has <br />traditionally done. <br /> <br /> <br />