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NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING <br /> <br />A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE <br />HELD ON Wednesday, November 10, 2004 AT 5:00 p.m. IN THE Basement <br />Conference Room. <br /> <br />THE PROPOSED AGENDA IS AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Work Session: West Main Street Urban Design and U. Va. Construction <br /> <br />BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR <br /> <br />BY Jeanne Cox <br /> <br />BASEMENT CONFERENCE ROOM - November 10, 2004 <br /> <br /> Council met in special session on this date with the following members present: <br />Dr. Brown, Mr. Caravati, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Schilling. <br /> <br />West Main Street Urban Design <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell explained that the intent of the meeting is to present concepts and <br />schematics, not specific, detailed plans. He said he would like to get Council's overall <br />reactions to the plans. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ignacio Bunster-Ossa of WRT Consultants, said that the plan for West Main <br />Street stresses the need to improve pedestrian access and transit. He said parking <br />strategies include access to parking lots from side streets. He presented building massing <br />ideas and transit options. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Schilling, Mr. Bunster-Ossa said that higher <br />density could be allowed in exchange for an easement for wider sidewalks on the south <br />side which would be bricked. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch expressed concern that some of the potential development parcels <br />identified are historic buildings. He also expressed concern about the proposed access to <br />parking, noting that there are no real parallel streets and there has not been buy-in from <br />the neighborhoods for this idea. <br /> <br />Mr. Bunster-Ossa said access could be from side streets. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said how this is presented to neighborhood is crucial, and said that <br />Fifeville and Starr Hill are less viable options. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Caravati about structured parking locations, <br />Mr. Bunster-Ossa said that it is dependent on development density, and he cannot predict <br />where that would be. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Caravati, Mr. Bunster-Ossa that there are now <br />83 parking spaces on West Main Street, and 43 or 44 would remain under the plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked if there is a way to make an architectural gesture to the <br />downtown mall without using brick, noting that brick is difficult for persons with <br />mobility issues. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bunster-Ossa said that the brick on the mall has mortar between the bricks, <br />and as it ages gaps are created. He said the new design has no mortar and is a very <br />smooth surface. <br /> <br /> Mr. David Newman, University of Virginia Architect, asked where the utilities <br />are in the proposed plan, and Mr. Ignacio-Bunster said under the brick sidewalk. <br /> <br /> Mr. Newman said that one advantage to using brick pavers is that it is easier to <br />remove them to get to utilities. <br /> <br /> <br />