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2 <br /> <br /> Ms. Dede Smith, School Board Chair, said that historically the School Board has <br />worked within the parameters of what it expects to receive from the City, which she feels <br />is a reasonable approach, but she said the needs may exceed this amount. She said the <br />School Board looked at a compromise of keeping the budget within that amount, with a <br />list of needs attached that may exceed that amount. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Schilling, Dr. Griffin said the budget <br />initiatives she presented are not in a prioritized order. <br /> <br />Mr. Schilling said he feels it is important to see the priority listing. <br /> <br /> Dr. Griffin said that Council will be given a prioritized list, and added that this list <br />is preliminary. Dr. Griffin said there may also be items added to the list as the School <br />Board may add some recommendations from the audit that it would like to see <br />implemented next year. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ned Michie, School Board member, stressed that the School Board has not <br />really discussed these budget initiatives yet and they are all preliminary. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he would like to have it clear about which initiatives will require <br />new funding. <br /> <br /> Dr. Griffin said she thinks all those listed will require new funding as they are all <br />primarily new initiatives. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch suggested that funds that may be available to be leveraged from <br />elsewhere also be included. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton noted that the audit identified that the school system has a number <br />of coordinators, and asked if there will be restructuring to help free up funds for other <br />initiatives. <br /> <br />Dr. Griffin said the School Board will have to make that decision. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she feels it would be a useful exercise for the School Board to <br />use a staggered approach to achieve the initiatives over the next four years. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch suggested that the School Board identify things that can be done <br />outside the school system such as Parks and Recreation summer programs. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Byron Brown, School Board member, Mr. <br />Schilling said to him it is better to have a School budget submitted based on needs as he <br />does not think the current guideline serves the City the best. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that Council looks at a bigger, broader picture and is looking at <br />new demands and decreased revenues. He said he thinks the School Board might as well <br />look at a realistic expectation of revenues from Council. He said the School Board <br />should make a list of their priorities in order, but he encouraged the School Board to keep <br />the projected amount of revenue expected in mind. <br /> <br /> Ms. Julie Gronlund, School Board member, noted that t here are other sources of <br />funding available, and the budget is not just about getting money from Council. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said that the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority <br />has convened a group to look at early childhood development, and it may be possible to <br />achieve some of those goals in partnership with the schools. <br /> <br />The budget schedule for the schools was reviewed. <br /> <br /> Dr. Griffin reviewed the school division goals as follows: to create a solid <br />infrastructure including enrichment endeavors, instructional interventions, systems, and <br />processes for increasing achievement of all students and closing the achievement gap; to <br /> <br /> <br />