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3 <br />better. She said the noise is bringing down property values and chases away wildlife. She <br />said a nine story building downtown will also hurt the quality of life. <br /> <br />st <br /> Ms. Genevieve Keller, 504 North 1 Street, suggested that the community watch <br />the World Cup together in the Pavilion in four years. She thanked Mr. Caravati and Mr. <br />Schilling for their service. She said she has previously written in support of preservation <br />of the Main Street properties. She said Council has an unprecedented three BAR appeals <br />on its agenda. She said BAR decisions should not be overturned lightly. She quoted <br />from letters from Eugene Williams, Nancy O’Brien, Dan Bluestone, and Bitsy Waters, <br />who also supported the decision of the BAR. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Moore, 1213 Hazel Street, said that Mr. Schilling has earned his respect <br />and gratitude over the last four years. He said Mr. Schilling is the only one who listened <br />to his concerns about CityLink. He said Mr. Schilling has consistently challenged other <br />Councilors to be open. He said he hopes his legacy will continue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Aaron Wunsch, 338 Monticello Road, Vice President of Preservation <br />Piedmont, spoke about the appeals on Wertland Street and Main Street. He said the <br />question is will Charlottesville take historic preservation laws seriously. He urged <br />Council to support the decisions by the BAR. He requested that Council deny the <br />demolition of the Wertland properties, and send the proposal to move the properties back <br />to the BAR. <br /> <br /> Ms. Jillian Galle, 338 Monticello Road, an archeologist at Monticello, said <br />location is part of historic preservation. She said she supports the decision by the BAR. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch removed the resolution authorizing the purchase of 407 E. High Street <br />from the consent agenda. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Caravati, the following consent <br />agenda items were approved by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. Brown, Mr. Caravati, Ms. <br />Hamilton (except that Ms. Hamilton abstained from voting on approval of the minutes of <br />June 5), Mr. Lynch, Mr. Schilling (except that Mr. Schilling voted no on the <br />appropriation of $776,000 for the transit fund grant for the Avon Facility because he is <br />not convinced it is an appropriate expenditure at this time). Noes: None (except Mr. <br />Schilling voted no on the transit grant appropriation). Abstaining: Ms. Hamilton on the <br />minutes of June 5. <br /> <br />a. Minutes of June 5 <br /> <br />APPROPRIATION <br />b. : $2,397.59 – Extradition Reimbursement (Sheriff) <br />nd <br /> (2 reading) <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED <br /> by the Council of the City of <br />Charlottesville, Virginia, that $2,397.59 from the Commonwealth of Virginia is hereby <br />appropriated in the following manner: <br /> <br />Revenues <br />Fund: 105 Cost Center: 1501001000 G/L Account: 430080 <br /> <br />Expenditures <br />Fund: 105 Cost Center: 1501001000 G/L Account: 530100 <br /> <br />APPROPRIATION <br />c. : $16,349.23 – Insurance Reimbursement (Police) <br />nd <br /> (2 reading) <br /> <br />WHEREAS, <br /> the City of Charlottesville’s Police Department received an <br />insurance settlement check from GEICO Insurance in the amount of $16,349.23 for a <br />wrecked police prisoner transport van; and <br /> <br /> <br />