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5 <br /> Dr. Brown said he would be concerned if there were a lot of nine story pieces. He <br />asked if there is a way of regulating this with the guidelines so that we do not have <br />uniformity of nine stories. He said he is attracted to the sunlight issue, including Market <br />Street, and volumes. He asked if we have the tools now to assure this. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fink said that applications could be made more stringent. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fred Wolf, BAR member, said we should look at areas we expect to see <br />expand on Market and Water Street. <br /> <br /> Mr. William Adams, BAR member, said we need better tools to visualize <br />hypotheticals. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said we will be getting software soon that will help. <br /> <br /> Mr. Wade Tremblay, BAR member, expressed concern that much of this <br />perspective is contrary to the interest of developers and could limit creativity. He said <br />there is no good clarity as to what is acceptable, and how much volume would be <br />allowed. He said we need some incentives and specificity. He said zoning and BAR <br />guidelines are not consistent. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lucy said it would help to hear more from developers about what it takes to <br />make projects viable. For instance, he said if we reduce the height allowed on the south <br />of the mall, would that constitute an economic loss to anyone at this time. <br /> <br /> Mr. Blake Caravati, former City Councilor, Planning Commissioner, and BAR <br />member, said that the BAR is hampered by having to make black and white decisions <br />regarding demolitions. He said we should look more seriously at allowing the design <br />group to be able to look at things more creatively, and we should go to the General <br />Assembly for additional enabling legislation. He said we also need to talk about <br />economics such as where are people going to work. <br /> <br /> Mr. Preston Coiner, BAR member, said he would be uncomfortable trying to <br />decide between preservation and new development. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said it sounds as there is interest in looking at setbacks, sunlight <br />angles, possible volume limitations, and articulation requirements. He said perhaps the <br />200% building allowance should be taken out or reworded. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fink said we need to look at the fiscal future of the City and need to empower <br />developers. He said we should come up with ground rules that work for all. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lewis said she would add looking at different height limitations or setbacks <br />on the south versus the north of the mall, and perhaps allowing more density inside by <br />special permit if this reduces the value of the property. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barton said we also need to look at Water Street, and perhaps raise the limit <br />on that side. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said having a pedestrian scale is important which he thinks would <br />address the articulation concern. He said it would not be helping to have some buildings <br />be made to look like three separate buildings when they are really only one. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barton said facades can be enlivened without making them appear to be <br />separate buildings. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lucy, referring to build out implications, said that when the height <br />regulations were put in it was probably thought that that the uses would be office or hotel, <br />but now we are looking at mostly residential uses, which could be a very big number. He <br />said we should know more about the implications of that. <br /> <br /> <br />