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4 <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Barton, Mr. Tolbert said it is not feasible to <br />keep Todd Avenue open while the Jefferson Park Avenue bridge is repaired. He said the <br />City is working with the residents on this issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said we need to acknowledge the impacts of development in <br />Albemarle County south on Fry’s Spring. He said this will have a tremendous traffic <br />impact. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said that accessibility is also an issue with the bridge repairs. He <br />asked if traffic from University football games has been taken into consideration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that parking enforcement will be required. <br /> <br />Work Session with Board of Architectural Review: Discussion of development <br />issues related to the downtown mall, particularly conflicts between the zoning <br />ordinance and the BAR guidelines <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Tolbert presented a powerpoint outlining issues for discussion as follows: <br />standards for demolition; should what happens after demolition be considered; the <br />demolition process; what is the appropriate height for the mall itself; downtown corridor <br />regulations; and design guidelines. Mr. Tolbert noted that the height of nine stories has <br />been allowed since 1985, and there was actually a reduction in the height allowed at that <br />time. Mr. Tolbert said questions for consideration include: What is the proper scale and <br />mall for the downtown mall? May the Board of Architectural Review consider any other <br />items then they currently do when reviewing demolition requests? May/should the future <br />development of a site be considered when evaluating a demolition? <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked that members of the audience e-mail the Clerk of Council with <br />any thoughts or comments they have about these issues. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert asked if the current massing is still appropriate, and if so, are any <br />tweaks needed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barton said that setbacks are dictated in some cities by the sunlight level, and <br />he thinks we need a more sophisticated model to assure adequate sunlight. He said he <br />thinks we also need to look at setbacks on sidestreets as they are gateways to the mall. <br />He said we should also look at grade articulation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Syd Knight, BAR member, said he thinks there could be a better articulation <br />in the ordinance regarding the volume of buildings. <br /> <br /> Mr. Farruggio said we may want to allow not building to the property line on <br />sidestreets which would allow cafes, etc. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fink said an overriding concern is we do not want to create canyons on the <br />mall. He said we run the risk of ruining downtown. He said he thinks the absence of <br />setbacks on sidestreets would be terrible. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said one issue is how aggressively are we going to enforce historic <br />preservation. He said that in itself limits redevelopment and would put natural <br />boundaries on nine stories. Mr. Lynch said the nine story building on Court Square <br />works because it has a fairly narrow profile. He said it would be different if the whole <br />block was nine stories. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barton said that the top of the existing fabric can be built upon. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knight said this could be prevented if the guidelines are interpreted <br />stringently. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lewis noted that this is not currently part of the City Code. <br /> <br /> <br />