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4 <br /> <br />2000034 Commonwealth’s Attorney -Drug Seizure Funds - $23,335.04 <br /> <br />2000035 Police Department – Forensics Asset Funds – JADE - $12,414 <br />2000036 Police Department – Forensics Asset Funds – CPD - $7,790.07 <br /> <br />The City receives from the Federal and state governments a portion of all assets <br />recovered during drug seizure operations. This unspent money will be used to fund <br />future drug investigations and operations. <br /> <br />3224001000 Fire Department - $2 for Life - $22,681.73 <br />These funds, received as part of the Division of Motor Vehicle $2 for Life program, <br />will be used to purchase emergency medical equipment that will be placed on fire <br /> <br />trucks, and used as part of the first responder program. <br /> <br />2223001000 Corporate Training - $15,615.33 <br />These unexpended funds will be used to provide training opportunities for all City <br />employees. <br /> <br />2000003 Cable Franchise Fees - $5,000 <br />These funds will be used for possible future legal expenses associated with the <br />cable franchise agreement negotiations. <br /> <br />2463001000 Landfill Contribution - $350,000 <br />This money will be used to help pay the City’s portion of the costs of landfill <br />remediation and cleanup. <br /> <br />9753001000 City Supported Events - $6,060.44 <br />Theses funds will be used to provide support to City departments who provide <br />services that are unanticipated or unfunded, at various events held in the City. <br /> <br />Parks and Recreation Gift Programs: <br /> <br /> 1800000 Therapeutics - $7,593.53 <br /> 1800007 Recreation Centers - $1,473.25 <br /> 1800002 Parks - $6,418.18 <br /> 1800006 Safe Halloween - $304.37 <br /> 1800003 Recreation Administration - $898.23 <br /> 3641006000 Very Special Arts - $9,516.74 <br /> 1800009 Theme Park Tickets - $2,914.26 <br /> 1800005 Aquatic Programs - $2,099.27 <br /> 1800011 Trees Contribution - $3,464.97 <br /> 1800012 Youth Programs - $575.00 <br />Throughout the year, citizens make contributions to the Parks and Recreation Gift <br />Catalog. Some of the donations are made for specific purposes or purchases, while <br />others are of a more general nature. These unexpended revenues will be used in <br />accordance with the wishes of the donors. <br /> <br /> 3661004000 Pavilion Special Events - $52,783.20 <br />These unexpended revenues will be used to fund future operating and maintenance <br />costs for City events at the Pavilion. <br /> <br /> 3661003000 City Market - $37,677.61 <br />These unexpended revenues will be used to fund the costs for City events at the <br />Market. <br /> <br />1801001000 Commissioner of Revenue - $5,500 <br />These unexpended funds will be used to cover anticipated additional advertising <br />and mailing expenses associated with the Charlottesville Housing Affordability <br />Tax Relief Program adopted by Council as part of the FY 2007 Budget. <br /> <br />2000041 Summer Enrichment Program - $15,000 <br />These funds, recently approved by Council, will support the stipends and <br />expenses of the 2006 Summer Enrichment Program. <br /> <br /> <br />