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2 <br />change were posted but she was not able to comment. She said the issue did not come to <br />the neighborhood association. She said she realizes the street is narrow, but feels the <br />issue could be resolved in a better way. She said a sidewalk could be removed instead. <br />She said there is little parking on the street and she feels unsafe having to park a block <br />away. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tyler Magill, 710 Anderson Street, said his neighborhood association <br />president was not aware of the plan to remove parking on Anderson Street. He said his <br />neighborhood is seeing more commuter parking. <br /> <br /> Mr. Randy O’Neill, Carter Mountain Road, who operates an after school mobile <br />fitness program, said he has worked well with Police Chief Longo and Officer Mike <br />Dean. <br /> <br /> Ms. Christina Cox, 311 Fairway Avenue, said she is disappointed with the idea <br />and funding for the proposed sister city statue. She said we need to have human contact <br />and suggested having an exchange program with high school students. She said the <br />statue is a waste of money. <br /> <br /> Ms. Alia Anderson, 1517 Broad Avenue, Executive Director of ACCT, <br />encouraged Council and the public to attend the Virginia Light Rail symposium in <br />th <br />Richmond on November 17. <br /> <br />nd <br /> Ms. Elke Schwartz, 211 B 2 Street, N.W., proposed that the City become a Tree <br />City USA. <br /> <br /> Mr. Scott Brown, 1407 Lester Drive, a teacher in City schools and member of the <br />Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, asked that Council support the Park and <br />Recreation capital improvement plan developed as a result of the report the Director <br />recently made on the condition of recreation facilities. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nataska Sienitsky, 741 Nalle Street, said she received a traffic calming <br />survey from the City, but the plan was changed after the survey was mailed. She said <br />having alternating parking on the street may prevent people from seeing children playing <br />in the street. She proposed that different traffic calming methods be looked at and that <br />the survey be revisited. <br /> <br />COUNCIL RESPONSES TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he would be curious to know the process regarding traffic calming <br />and why the process was not the same for Nalle Street and Anderson Street. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she has heard concerns about parking on Anderson Street. She <br />said it does not seem to be the best candidate for parking only on one side. She thanked <br />Ms. Cox for coming forwarding regarding the sister city sculpture. She said many people <br />are anxious for a student exchange. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said we need to revisit the parking on Anderson Street and Nalle <br />Street and need to do a better job of communicating. He said he agrees with the problems <br />with Parks and Recreation facilities as well as other City buildings. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he concurs regarding Anderson Street. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said Charlottesville is in the process of becoming a Tree City USA. <br />He thanked Ms. Cox for her comments. He said there is value in developing <br />relationships with international sister cities, and he feels we can do more to <br />institutionalize the relationships. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if approval of the statute will be coming to Council, and Mr. <br />O’Connell said funds are trying to be raised before it goes to Council. <br /> <br /> <br />