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8 <br /> Mr. Kruger said that the YMCA delayed the process by ten months because it <br />wants to serve the underprivileged. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he thinks the YMCA’s response is pretty positive though there are <br />a couple of issues he wants to see ironed out. <br /> <br /> The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Mr. Paul White, 1801 Hydraulic Road, representing Gold’s Gym, said he is glad <br />that the YMCA’s proposal will accommodate low income residents as that was his main <br />concern. <br /> <br /> Mr. Downing Smith, 810 Locust Avenue, said that the proposal is technically a <br />lease, but is basically a gift. He said there is no exhibit showing the location and no <br />exhibit regarding use. He said it is too complicated getting the County involved. He said <br />the question is does the City want to partner with the YMCA and have the facility in the <br />park. He said if the City owns the facility it has control. He questioned the financial <br />ability of the YMCA to take on this project, and said the City should require three years <br />of audited financial statements. He said the YMCA also does not have the experience to <br />build or operate such a facility. He noted that the stated purpose of the YMCA is to put <br />Christian spirit into practice. He urged Council to vote against the proposal. <br /> <br /> Ms. Missy Cruz, 2402 Pendower Lane, Keswick, said that her child swims for the <br />YMCA and there is a collaborative event taking place on Friday between the YMCA, <br />City Parks and Recreation, the Boys and Girls Club and Covenant Elementary School at <br />Smith Pool. She said the City needs to have pool space available so that events such as <br />this can take place. <br /> <br /> Ms. Colette Hall, 101 Robertson Lane, said she had previously heard that the <br />YMCA wanted to lease space in the park, but is now hearing that the YMCA also wants <br />the City to contribute $1.25 million. She asked if we need the YMCA facility if we <br />rebuild Smith pool. She said we are losing part of the park to the Meadowcreek Parkway <br />and now we are losing more of it for a recreational facility. She said she previously heard <br />that CHS students would have priority use of the YMCA lap lanes, but is now hearing <br />that will have to be balanced with Albemarle County. <br /> <br /> Ms. Beth Elliott, 1640 Rio Hill, said that the YMCA should put in a very small <br />warm water pool which would be good for seniors and those with disabilities. <br /> <br /> Mr. Peter Kleeman, 407 Hedge Street, said it is difficult to discern the benefits of <br />the pool proposals. He said Council should look at the benefit streams and a time value <br />approach to evaluate the alternatives. <br /> <br /> Mr. Kruger said that the facility would not be run with existing YMCA staff. He <br />noted that the YMCA promotes Judea-Christian principles, not just Christian. <br /> <br /> Ms. Shelia Romalio said that she originally questioned if she wanted to be part of <br />a male and Christian organization. She said the YMCA is all inclusive. She said she is <br />now the developmental director for the YMCA. She said the YMCA will provide two <br />years of audits. She asked Council to look at the big picture in a timely manner. <br /> <br /> As there were no further speakers at the meeting, the public hearing was <br />th <br />continued until the November 5 meeting. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she believed it was clear during discussion in the summer that <br />the City’s contribution would be land, not funding and that competitive swimming lanes <br />would be included. She said she thinks the City and the YMCA are close together on <br />some things, but not on others. She questioned whether the Smith proposal would be in <br />competition with the YMCA and if the Smith facility could undermine the viability of the <br />YMCA. She said she is hearing concerns from citizens about privatizing pools and parks <br />operations. She said she is not bothered by the thought of the YMCA facility being <br />located in the County. She said she will be weighing those issues. <br /> <br />