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4 <br />the National Register should move forward. She said it was originally scheduled to be <br />reviewed by the Department of Historic Resources in June of 2007,but the neighborhood <br />did not support it and Council asked that it be deferred. She said that the state notifies the <br />neighborhood about the nomination, holds a public meeting, then reviews the application <br />at one of their quarterly meetings. She said obvious errors were corrected in the <br />application. She said concerns by the neighborhood include that there is no oral history <br />included, and that such a designation might increase property values and encourage <br />gentrification. She said there were also objections about the proposed boundary of the <br />district. She said that oral histories are not generally included in such applications. She <br />said that national designation allows for tax credits to be taken for renovations. She said <br />local designation would require review by the Board of Architectural Review. She said <br />the revised document is on the City’s website and notices of the public hearing were sent <br />to neighborhood. She said she has received one objection and one support of the <br />nomination. Ms. Scala said that ideally there are both state and local designations to <br />protect the neighborhood. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Ms. Hamilton, Ms. Scala said that the state does <br />not want non-contributing structures at the edge of a district included, and noted that <br />those properties could be reviewed in the context of an entrance corridor. She said Oak <br />Street could be cut out and added to the Ridge Street district, but the report would have to <br />be rewritten justifying such action. She said that is more of a logistical and funding issue. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said that the neighborhood was concerned that national and state <br />designation would be used to support a conservation district in the neighborhood. <br /> <br /> Ms. Scala said she was upfront with the neighborhood that staff would like to <br />pursue a conservation district in the future, but the neighborhood found that very <br />confusing. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Dr. Brown, Ms. Scala said that a conservation <br />district would required a separate process and a public hearing and approval by Council. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if national designation requires permission to paint, add on to a <br />building, or demolish a building, or if there would be any review process, and Ms. Scala <br />said no unless tax credits were sought. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Lynch, Ms. Scala said that if VDOT wanted to <br />build a road through a nationally designated district there would be an additional review <br />required. <br /> <br /> The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ann Carter, 715 Orangedale Avenue, said that at first she was in favor of the <br />historic designation and believes in historic preservation, but she remains opposed to <br />architectural design control for the Fifeville neighborhood. She said coupling the <br />national and state and local designation was confusing to the neighborhood. She said she <br />hopes that the national and state designation will not be used in the future to pursue a <br />local designation. She said she hopes that her name is not included in the nomination. <br /> <br /> Ms. Antoinette Roades, 406 Oak Street, said this item should not even be on the <br />agenda. She said there is wide opposition, and the nomination is a flawed product of a <br />flawed process. She said it has not been revised and fundamental flaws remain. She said <br />the nomination has been plagiarized from her letter. She said her work is not the City’s to <br />use, and feels the use of it is unethical. She said Fifeville-Castle Hill is not an historic <br />district, it is a toxic waste site. <br /> <br /> Ms. Jane Covington, owner of 513 Dice Street, said she restored the house last <br />year in hopes of getting tax credits. She said she supports the national designation, but <br />not a conservation district, and said she is glad the two have been decoupled. <br /> <br /> As there were no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. <br /> <br /> <br />