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5 <br /> Mr. Norris said he has heard a number of concerns about the national and state <br />application, but mostly due to the local designation. He said he wants to make clear that <br />Council will not move forward with a local conservation district unless there is strong <br />neighborhood support for design control. He said he supports some kind of design <br />control to prevent demolition and to protect the neighborhood, but he will not impose it <br />on the neighborhood unless they want it. He said some ask why the City is spending time <br />on the historic designation in Fifeville, but is not stepping up efforts about issues such as <br />gentrification and traffic. He said some say that Fifeville is not sufficiently historic, but <br />he disagrees with that. He said he favors the federal and state designation with the <br />caveats he has addressed. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he agrees with everything Mr. Norris said. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he agrees with Mr. Norris, but is struck by the fact that the <br />neighborhood is not crazy about the idea. He said historic designation is offered to <br />residents as a tool to protect their neighborhood, but if they do not want it he does not <br />want to force it on them. He said he does not see a compelling City need to force it on <br />the neighborhood, and he is happy to let it go. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that is not what he heard when he attended a meeting about the <br />designation in Fifeville. He said people were highly skeptical of the design control, and <br />were worried that the two were linked together. He said he did not hear objections to the <br />state and federal designation. He said we need to make it clear that the state and federal <br />designation is a stand alone process. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she supports Dr. Brown’s comments. She noted that the <br />designations are still linked in the staff report. She said a recommendation for a local <br />designation should not be coming from staff, but should be coming from the <br />neighborhood. She said national designation is a positive for the neighborhood. She <br />expressed concern that people feel their work is being used, and that the original report <br />did not include voices of African-Americans. She said the language needs to be clear that <br />by supporting the national and state designation the City is not starting the conservation <br />district process, and that needs to come from the neighborhood. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said it is unfortunate that the designations got linked. He said he <br />supports the national and state designation but not local design control. He said that <br />should come from the neighborhood and should be spelled out. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris made a motion to approve the national register application, amended to <br />reflect that Council does not see it linked with the issue of local conservation, and unless <br />and until there is neighborhood support the City will not move forward with local <br />designation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro seconded the motion. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked that the motion be amended to add that the concerns with the <br />narrative be addressed, and Mr. Norris and Mr. Taliaferro agreed to the amendment. <br /> <br /> The motion, as amended, was approved by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. Brown, <br />Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: Mr. Lynch. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: COMCAST <br /> <br /> Mr. Ric Barrick, Director of Communications, said that the report by a <br />representative of Comcast is being made as a result of comments by Councilors about <br />cable and internet issues. He said that staff looked at complaints made to the City, but <br />noted that there is no mechanism in place that traces such complaints. He said it appears <br />that the City has only received a handful of complaints over the past year. He noted that <br />the franchise agreement with Comcast covers cable services only. He noted that there are <br />elements in the agreement with Comcast that the City may want to take advantage of, <br />including establishment of a cable advisory committee; special testing; programming <br />survey; and the option of having three additional public access channels. <br /> <br />