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7 <br />Mr. Peter Kleeman, 407 Hedge Street, said there is strong community support for <br />affordable housing, and it is an investment he is willing to make. He said Council should <br />find whatever the best mechanism is to make a commitment. He encouraged Council to <br />be as bold and general as possible at the start. <br /> <br />Ms. Karen Waters, 1014 St. Charles Avenue, Executive Director of QCC, said she <br />also served on the City-County Housing Task Force, CRHA, and is a former PHA Board <br />member. She said she has spent many years studying the issue of housing. She said <br />there is also a need for special needs housing and housing rehabilitation for seniors. She <br />said a dedicated source simplifies where money comes from. <br /> <br />Mr. Melvin Grady said if not this ordinance he hopes Council will find something <br />else that works. He said sometimes you have to make a bold change. <br /> <br />Ms. Natasha Sienitsky, Nalle Street, supported a dedicated fund which she said <br />will rejuvenate the community and will create upward mobility. She said it will help <br />non-profits plan. She said local dollars are more flexible. She said it will create an <br />important precedent. She said local funds help non-profits leverage other funds. <br /> <br />As there were no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Dr. Brown said that four issues are raised by the ordinance. He said he knows we <br />have a problem with affordable housing, and he strongly agrees that solving the <br />affordable housing problem would solve lots of other problems. He said he is not so sure <br />we can solve the problem. He said he thinks the creation of an affordable housing fund is <br />a great and necessary idea which will be programmed by smart people, and he supports <br />that. He said there is a City/County issue. He noted that IMPACT asked the City to put <br />$2 million into affordable housing, but asked zero from Albemarle County. He said the <br />City has a larger share of the burden and City taxes are higher than the County’s. He said <br />his concern is that the more aggressive action the City takes the less incentive there is for <br />the County. He said we need to engage them to be part of the solution. He said another <br />issue is should we increase the amount we are spending this year. He said the proposal <br />would double the original $5 million, five year program. He said Council needs to <br />discuss that and needs to know if that means there is something we are choosing not to <br />do. He said he wants to know what the trade-offs are. He said he is not in favor of <br />dedicating funds by ordinance. He said the five-year plan should be put on paper. He <br />said we can demonstrate our commitment without an ordinance as we do with the <br />Schools. <br /> <br />Ms. Edwards said she was looking forward to the idea of an ordinance because of <br />the commitment it requires. She said if we do what we have always done we will get <br />what we have always got. She said may residents have been underdogs too long. <br /> <br />Mr. Taliaferro said he is not against affordable housing, but thinks it should be <br />discussed in the context of the entire budget. He said he thinks it is a regional issue and <br />we need to encourage the County to participate. He said he does not think we will do <br />what we have always done, noting that we made a sizable commitment last year and will <br />be again this year. He said he is not in favor of doing it by ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Huja said he appreciates comments made by the public, and he thanked the <br />Mayor for putting affordable housing in the forefront. He said that he serves on the PHA <br />and JABA boards and is a part of IMPACT, but since he is not paid he has no conflict. <br />He said he has a long history of supporting affordable housing. He said he agrees we <br />need to work with the region, and need to engage U. Va., Albemarle County and the <br />private sector. He said we need to think of it in the context of the budget. He said it is a <br />question of timing and we need to make decisions thoughtfully during the budget. He <br />said he only heard about this proposal on Tuesday. He said there needs to be a discussion <br />with Council about affordable housing in relation to other issues. He said it is good to <br />have a five year commitment, a plan of action and resources. He said we can adopt a <br />policy by resolution without an ordinance. He said we need a written policy commitment <br />for a certain number of years. He said he is not sure if the proposed funding is the right <br />amount. He said he agrees with Ms. Richards that we need a vision. <br /> <br />