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8 <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown offered a resolution that he drafted indicating what that what has been <br />done so far has not met the needs and committing to doing more. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja suggested that engaging U. Va. be included in the resolution, and said <br />he would support saying Council will provide additional money. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said the main intent of the ordinance is to move beyond the year to <br />year approach. He said his preference is to have a dedicated fund, but it is clear the <br />majority of Council does not support that. He said the resolution proposed by Dr. Brown <br />is a step in the right direction. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he supports the proposed resolution and said he thinks it will <br />address the issue. He said he thinks there is a strong commitment by Council. He said it <br />is important to get Albemarle County and others involved. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he would agree to add that Council will agree to increase funding <br />beyond the five year, $5 million in the upcoming budget. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he would support setting a policy of more money, but not <br />specifying exact dollars. He said he would personally like to aim for the amount <br />proposed by Mr. Norris. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked if Dr. Brown would agree to include that funding would equal <br />two cents on the tax rate and 25% of the lodging tax. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he will agree to say Council will commit to more funding, but he <br />wants to know more about the budget before specifying an amount. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he would prefer to discuss the amount during the budget. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja seconded Dr. Brown’s proposed resolution, and Dr. Brown agreed to <br />add reference to U. Va. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he would like to see a vision for the future or plan of action. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked that the language be made stronger, and say that Council will <br />commit to a substantial increase in funding and pledges to fulfill its commitment. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he will not agree to that language until he knows what we are <br />giving up. <br /> <br /> The resolution offered by Dr. Brown, as amended to include U. Va. and additional <br />language about increased funding, was approved by the following vote. Ayes: Dr. <br />Brown, Ms. Edwards, Mr. Huja, Mr. Norris, Mr. Taliaferro. Noes: None. <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br />, the Council Vision Statement calls for housing that is affordable <br />and attainable for people of all income levels, life stages, and abilities; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, <br /> the City of Charlottesville has demonstrated its commitment to <br />affordable housing by increasing its investment in affordable housing from $375,000 2 <br />years ago to over $2,000,000 this fiscal year; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, <br /> the City of Charlottesville provides significant additional funding <br />for affordable housing through programs such as tax abatement and tax assistance for the <br />elderly and disabled; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br />, the City of Charlottesville has committed to a five year, $5,000,000 <br />increase in funding for affordable housing; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br />, despite these efforts affordable housing remains a critical issue for <br />too many residents of our community; and <br /> <br />