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4 <br />RESOLUTION <br />h. : Amending Comprehensive Plan re: Affordable Housing <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , this Council on August 6, 2007 adopted an updated Comprehensive <br />Plan for the City of Charlottesville upon completion of the five-year review required by <br />Sec. 15.2-2230 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (hereinafter, the <br />“Comprehensive Plan”); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , as authorized by Sec. 34-27(a) of the City Code, the Director of <br />Neighborhood Development Services has initiated a proposed amendment of Chapter 4 <br />of the Comprehensive Plan, to establish a requirement for affordable housing in <br />development projects of 1.0 floor area ratio or greater as a condition of approval of a <br />rezoning or granting of a special use permit; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , on June 10, 2008, following notice given in accordance with Sec. <br />15.2-2204 of the Virginia Code, the Planning Commission and City Council conducted a <br />joint public hearing with regard to the proposed amendment to Chapter 4; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , on June 10, 2008, the Planning Commission recommended the <br />proposed amendment to Chapter 4 to Council for approval, and the Director of <br />Neighborhood Development Services, who serves as Secretary of the Planning <br />Commission, has certified a copy of the proposed amendment to Chapter 4 to Council for <br />its consideration; now, therefore <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED <br /> by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that the 2007 <br />Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as recommended by the Planning Commission, <br />to add the following strategy to the text of Chapter 4 (Housing): <br /> <br /> Implement the affordable housing legislation adopted by the 2008 General <br /> Assembly, which will amend the City’s zoning code with provisions for <br /> affordable dwelling units, or a cash contribution to the City’s affordable housing <br /> fund in lieu of units. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />i. : “AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A GRANT <br /> PROGRAM TO PROMOTE AND PRESERVE HOMEOWNERSHIP BY LOW <br /> AND MODERATE-INCOME PERSONS WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />nd <br /> CHARLOTTESVILLE (2 reading) <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />j. : “AN ORDINANCE TO CONEY A PORTION OF CITY- <br /> OWNED LAND LOCATED ON AVON STREET EXTENDED IN ALBEMARLE <br /> COUNTY TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION” <br />nd <br /> (2 reading) <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />k. : “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A <br /> TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE TO SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS <br /> COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO USE <br /> THE STREETS AD OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF <br /> CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA FOR ITS POLE, WIRES, CONDUITS, <br /> CABLES, AND FIXTURES, FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS” (carried over) <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />l. : “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A <br /> TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE TO NTELOS NETWORK, INC., ITS <br /> SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO USE THE STREETS AD OTHER PUBLIC <br /> PLACES OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA FOR ITS POLE, <br /> WIRES, CONDUITS, CABLES, AND FIXTURES, FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) <br /> YEARS” (carried over) <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />m. : “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A <br /> TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE TO MARTHA JEFFERSON <br /> HOSPITAL., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO USE CERTAIN PUBLIC <br /> PLACES OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, FOR A FIBER <br /> OPTIC CONNECTION BETWEEN 459 LOCUST AVENUE AND 595 PETER <br /> JEFFERSON PARKWAY FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS” (carried over) <br /> <br />