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2 <br /> Mr. David Slutzky, Member of the Board of Supervisors, said that the General <br />Assembly could be asked for authority for a transportation district rather than a transit <br />authority. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rooker said that elected officials could impose a sales tax, etc. to give to the <br />authority which could be used for other things as well. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown expressed concern that the pressure to build roads would overcome <br />transit. <br /> <br /> Mr. Boyd said he is not interested in having an authority that has taxing powers, <br />and Mr. Rooker agreed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he thinks taxing authority should rest with localities. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Lindsay Dorrier, Member of the Board of <br />Supervisors, Mr. Spielberg said that a new, expanded transit system is expected to have <br />an annual operating of $16 million to $17 million which is three times what we have <br />now. He said the capital cost for a bus rapid transit (BRT) system would be $150 <br />million. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rooker said that a huge portion of the County would not have access to <br />transit because of its rural nature. He said if we got one cent more in sales tax half of that <br />could be used for transit and half for other transportation projects. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ann Mallek, Member of the Board of Supervisors, said that new roads and <br />lanes are part of the future transit plan. <br /> <br /> Delegate David Toscano said he serves on the Transportation Committee. He <br />said we have to get all local legislators behind the idea of an authority from the <br />beginning. He said there are a lot of different options. He said he thinks we could get a <br />transportation authority without the taxing authority. He said a revenue raising authority <br />is very questionable right now. He said we need to get local buy in. He said he thinks we <br />are less likely to get authority for a transit authority. He said the General Assembly <br />might give authority to the City and County to raise taxes. He said he is willing to <br />support whatever the Council and Board decide. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja agreed there would be more support for a transportation authority. <br /> <br /> Ms. Thomas said the appeal of an authority was looking at other revenue sources, <br />which she is hearing there is no chance for. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said we would need unanimity from local legislators, and even then <br />it would be questionable. He said he does not think the State should be asked to impose a <br />tax. He said a referendum is an easier sell. <br /> <br /> Ms. Thomas expressed concern that the State would say if we have an authority <br />we should take other responsibilities for roads. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said there is more of an effort to change the formula so places such <br />as Northern Virginia get more transportation funding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Slutzky said we would be better off having a reference in advance of the <br />General Assembly to show that the community wants this. <br /> <br /> Mr. Larry Davis, Albemarle County Attorney, said that such a referendum cannot <br />be legally held. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rooker said a survey could be done. He supported having a working group <br />sit down with legislators. He said that may drive what we do. <br /> <br /> <br />