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3 <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he is not supportive of funding this by real estate or gas taxes, <br />but could support a sales tax increase. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he agrees with the idea of a working group and a meeting with <br />legislators. <br /> <br /> Ms. Barlow said that the idea of a transportation authority versus a transit <br />authority has not previously been discussed, and staff cannot put together something in <br />haste, but staff could work with a working group. She asked the City and County to <br />provide funding for TJPDC as requested. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rooker said in order to make major enhancements work we need re revenue. <br />He said there is only a small area in the County where people will use transit. He said it <br />is a different decision if we do not having a funding source. <br /> <br /> Mr. Slutzky said he could support a bond referendum if there is no state authority. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rooker said that would only provide capital money. He said the County <br />already is having budget concerns with declining assessments. <br /> <br /> Mr. Boyd asked if there is an advantage to having a transit or transportation <br />authority without having funding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked if the County would feel more comfortable if there were changes <br />to the structure, and Mr. Boyd said yes. <br /> <br /> Senator Creigh Deeds said we have to be creative in ways to move people. He <br />said will support whatever the Council and Board of Supervisors agree to do. He said he <br />would rather have a statewide plan, but there was not support for that in the General <br />Assembly. He said if we have community and business support he thinks we can get an <br />authority through the Senate. He said philosophically he does not support authorities, but <br />it may be the only way to get things done. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br /> <br /> Ms. Robin Hoffman said officials should think about not obliterating the beauty <br />of the area when they set things up. She said instead of looking for revenue, they should <br />look for business incentives, and should set up park and rides. She said buses should be <br />biodiesel and U. Va. students should be used for a lot of the studies. <br /> <br /> Mr. Morgan Butler, representing the Southern Environmental Law Center, <br />reiterated SELC’s support for regional initiatives. He asked that a working group be <br />appointed. He said it would be prudent to think about a backup plan if we do not get <br />authority from the General Assembly. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jeff Werner, Piedmont Environmental Council, said good solutions start with <br />real leaders. He said he fully supports the idea of a regional transit authority. He said <br />doing nothing is not an option. He said officials should go to the community with a <br />specific proposal. He said U. Va. has a big role in the issue. <br /> <br /> Ms. Barlow asked if we do not get approval from the General Assembly in 2009 <br />are officials interested in Plan B. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said the options expand service in the County. He said he is fine with <br />moving forward with an authority without funding if there is a financial commitment by <br />the County to become more of a full partner and the City gives up control. He said it is <br />important for U. Va. to be part of this, but his support is not predicated on them being <br />part of the financial equation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Dorrier said it is important to nail down the cost and plan. He said we are not <br />likely to get more sales taxes approved, and we will have to rely on local sources. <br /> <br /> <br />