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15 <br />there have been problems with vagrants and trash. He said his mother would like to <br />make it cleaner and more presentable. <br /> <br /> Ms. Colette Hall, 101 Robertson Lane, President of North Downtown Residents <br />Association, said that no one on the board has objected to the sale of the land, but she <br />wants to make sure there would not be site problems if large trees are planted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brown said trees would not be a problem. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Huja, seconded by Dr. Brown, the ordinance entitled “AN <br />ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF LAND AT THE <br />INTERSECTION OF WEST HIGH STREET AND MCINTIRE ROAD, TO DR. <br />KATHLEEN FREE” was offered and carried over to the next meeting for consideration. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: PIEDMONT VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE PRESIDENT <br /> <br /> Dr. Frank Friedman, President of Piedmont Virginia Community College, <br />recognized City representatives on the Board in attendance. He said attendance at PVCC <br />is up 10%, but State funding is down10%. He said City enrollment has declined every <br />year for the past five years, and he welcomes Council’s involvement in reversing this <br />trend. He said things are on track for the Visitors Center transfer for workforce <br />development. He said $500,000 in renovations will be done and he hopes it will be ready <br />for classes in the fall. He is the RN program is in high demand, and an LPN program will <br />be launched in January. He noted that PVCC is under contract to run the One Stop <br />Center, and from July to the end of March 15,219 people (5,400 different individuals) <br />visited the site, 36% from the City. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown thanked Ms. Edwards for teeing up issues for the discussion. Dr. <br />Brown asked if there is data to indicate that fewer individuals are deciding to give <br />community college a try, or are people enrolling and then not going back. <br /> <br /> Dr. Friedman said he does not have that information. He said the biggest decline <br />has been in students ages 25 and over. He said he can provide more information. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if exit interviews are done or any kind of follow up to see if <br />money or other identifiable issues are the reason for the decline. <br /> <br /> Dr. Friedman said he can pull that information. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Taliaferro, Dr. Friedman said he can get the <br />number of veterans enrolling. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards said she would like to explore opportunities for outreach and <br />partnering with existing organizations and activities, such as Fridays After Five, the <br />Dogwood Festival, and the Community Scholarship Program. <br /> <br /> Dr. Friedman said he would be interested in pursuing that. He said there are still a <br />lot of people who think they cannot afford to go to PVCC even though a lot of financial <br />aid is available. He said finding ways to get that word out better would be helpful. <br /> Ms. Edwards noted that the Department of Parks and Recreation does a lot of <br />outreach. She asked if the distance to clinicals for the RN program is a limitation. <br /> <br /> Dr. Friedman said no, but said most students do their clinicals at U. Va. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris suggested a peer outreach effort to get the word out to City residents. <br />Mr. Norris asked if PVCC is still planning to have a presence at Jefferson School, and Dr. <br />Friedman said yes. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: WATER CONSERVATION UPDATE <br /> <br /> Ms. Judy Mueller, Director of Public Works, said that in December of 2008 <br />Council outlined issues it wanted to address. She noted that the water consumption last <br /> <br />