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16 <br />year was 40% below the national average. She said more still needs to be done regarding <br />indoor water conservation efforts. She said there will be rain water harvesting systems at <br />the new transit facility and at the CHS ballfields. She outlined potential ordinance <br />changes, including irrigation runoff restrictions, restricting the time of day for outdoor <br />watering, and mandating retrofits. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked about the discrepancy in water usage, and Ms. Mueller said she <br />wants to double check, but she believes that is residential use only. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Dr. Brown, Ms. Mueller said the Health <br />Department makes determinations about use of grey water. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if there are safe and effective ways other communities are using <br />grey water and suggested that we ask our legislators to help with the issue. He noted that <br />we probably cannot mandate retrofits. He said he would like to see if we can distribute <br />the report to other organizations (League of Women Voters, Sierra Club, etc.) to see if <br />there are things we missed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris agreed with Dr. Brown about sharing the report. He noted that a <br />vendor at the recent eco-fair said the State allows a lot more things than many think. He <br />asked if fixing leaks has help with water usage. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lauren Hildebrand, Utilities Manager, said we are losing less than 10% due <br />to leaks now, noting that it has consistently dropped. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Dr. Brown, Ms. Mueller said that a problem with <br />offering rebates for front loading washing machines is that most people take them with <br />them when they move, but she said it can be looked at again. <br /> <br /> Councilors asked that staff get more in-depth information about the potential <br />ordinances. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he would like more information on changing the water rate <br />structure to one where you pay more for the more you use. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said it would be helpful to get a rough estimate about what kind of <br />water savings we could get if we implemented the suggestions. Mr. Norris suggested that <br />water conservation be included in energy audits. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown agreed with Mr. Norris and said, for instance, if we replaced all old <br />toilets, how much would be saved. He said he would also like to know if this would take <br />a lot of staff and/or resources. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he favors having the City offer rebates for rain barrels, but not <br />selling them, and other Councilor agreed. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />: INITIATING A STUDY OF ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT RE: <br />SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY HOUSING <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that in talking with groups who are interested in building SROs, <br />staff realized that there is no zoning classification that addresses them. He said an SRO <br />is essentially an apartment or a hotel. He said most communities create a new use <br />category allowed by special use permit, not by right. He said the resolution would <br />initiate a study by the Planning Commission, including the definition, where they would <br />be allowed and whether by special use permit or by-right. He said the study would also <br />include parking and density issues. In response to comments made by Dr. Bare, he noted <br />that homeless shelters are allowed by-right in B1, B-2 and B-3 zones. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he supports the idea and hopes other places will also be looked at. <br /> <br /> On motion by Dr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Taliaferro, the Resolution Initiating a <br />Study of Zoning Text Amendment Re: Single Room Occupancy Housing was approved <br /> <br />