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6 <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , on March 10, 2009, following notice given in accordance with <br />§15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, the Planning Commission and City Council <br />conducted a joint public hearing with regard to the proposed amendment to Chapter 5; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br /> , on March 10, 2009, the Planning Commission recommended the <br />proposed amendment to Chapter 5 to Council for approval, and the Director of <br />Neighborhood Development Services, who serves as Secretary of the Planning <br />Commission, has certified a copy of the proposed amendment to Chapter 5 to Council for <br />its consideration; now, therefore <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED <br /> by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that the 2007 <br />Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as recommended by the Planning Commission, <br />to delete a sentence from the Land Use & Urban Design section concerning the Woolen <br />Mills neighborhood (page 85), to wit: <br /> <br />“The challenge with Industrial land is finding somewhere <br />to place it; no one wants to have it in their backyard.” <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />i. : Establishing Policy re: Identify Theft <br /> <br />WHEREAS <br />, the City of Charlottesville provides utility services to customers; <br /> <br />WHEREAS, <br />Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of <br />2003 and 16 CFR 681.2 (“Red Flags Rule”) require the City as a “creditor” with “covered <br />accounts” to prepare, adopt, and implement an identity theft program to identify, detect, <br />and mitigate patterns, practices or specific activities which could indicate identity theft; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, <br />to comply with the Red Flags Rule, City staff have prepared an <br />identity theft prevention program; now therefore <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED <br />by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that <br />the City hereby adopts the identity theft prevention program described in the attached <br />Identity Theft Policy and City staff are hereby authorized and directed to implement the <br />program in accordance with its terms starting on May 1, 2009. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />j. : Approving Applications for Economic Stimulus Funds for <br /> Water Infrastructure Projects <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, <br />the City of Charlottesville has identified several water system <br />needs; <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, <br />the Virginia Department of Health-Office of Drinking Water is <br />soliciting applications for funding through the State Drinking Water Revolving Fund <br />Program; <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, <br />the City of Charlottesville has reviewed project planning material <br />and found that the pre-requirements have been met for submitting two (2) funding <br />applications; <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED <br />bythe City Council of the City of <br />Charlottesville, that the Director of the Public Utilities Division is hereby authorized to <br />apply, on behalf of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, for Federal Economic Stimulus <br />Package funding from the Virginia Department of Health for the following projects and <br />in the following amounts: <br /> <br />Lambeth Pump Station Upgrades: $75,000 <br /> <br />Small Diameter Water Line Replacement Program $625,000 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />