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6 <br />nd <br /> RELATING TO CAFÉ AND SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS” (2 reading) <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />p. : “AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A REQUEST TO <br /> REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON LONGWOOD DRIVE FROM R-2 <br />nd <br /> (RESIDENTIAL) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD)” (2 reading) <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />q. : “AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACATING, AND <br /> DISCONTINUING THAT PORTION OF AN UNACCEPTED RIGHT OF WAY <br /> LOCATED OFF MERIDIAN STREET ON BLOCK 42 OF CITY REAL ESTATE <br /> TAX MAP 60, ADJACENT TO PARCELS 46 THROUGH 65 ON CITY TAX MAP <br />nd <br /> 60” (2 reading) <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE <br />: ABANDONMENT OF NATURAL GAS <br />EASEMENT IN BOULDERS ROAD IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY <br /> <br /> Mr. Craig Brown, City Attorney, said a new easement will be executed and the <br />developer will bear the relocation cost. <br /> <br /> The public hearing was opened, but as there were no speakers, the public hearing <br />was closed. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Huja, seconded by Ms. Edwards, the ordinance entitled “AN <br />ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ABANDONMENT OF A NATURAL GAS <br />EASEMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY BY NEXT GENERATION, LLC” was offered <br />and carried over to the next meeting for consideration. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY SCHOOLS – PROGRAMS WHICH IMPACT <br />GRADUATION RATES <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Henderson, Assistant Superintendent for Administration, outlined <br />programs offered by City Schools to assure success for students: project-based learning <br />math and science summer programs; response to intervention; positive behavior <br />th <br />intervention support; 9 grade transition initiative; strategies to improve student <br />attendance; mentoring; and the WALK program. <br /> <br /> Ms. Diana Poe, Intervention Specialist, discussed the characteristics and success <br />of the WALK program. <br /> <br /> A participant in the WALK program said that the program helped her graduate <br />from Charlottesville High School on time. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja asked if teachers and staff mentor outside of the classroom, and Mr. <br />Henderson said yes. <br /> <br /> Dr. Rosa Atkins, Superintendent of Schools, said that mentoring takes many <br />different forms, and there is a number of non-traditional mentoring that goes on. She said <br />it is all about relationships. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards asked how long it will take before we see long-term results, and <br />how will the graduation rates look in five years. <br /> <br /> Dr. Atkins said the goal is to graduate 100% of students, and she expects to be <br />close to that in five years. She said as the strategies reach down to the middle schools, <br />more success is expected. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked if efforts are made to recapture student when they drop out, and <br />Dr. Atkins said yes, that staff literally goes and gets them. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards asked what the barriers are for students, and what are the reasons <br />they drop out. <br /> <br /> <br />