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116 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE: ROAD ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT - SHAMROCK ROAD (SALE/ <br />EASEMENT) <br /> <br /> Mr. Larry McElwain, attorney for owners of the property at 115 Shamrock Road, <br />explained that the property owners had reconfigured the property and had mistakenly <br />misaligned the house so that it does not meet the required setback requirement of 13 feet. <br />Mr. McElwain stated that the variance request to the Board of Zoning Appeals was denied <br />and the options remaining to the owners are: 1) cut off 7 feet of the front of the house; <br />2) reconfigure the lot lines to gain additional rear setback and move the house; or 3) purchase <br />a strip of land from the City, granting an easement for the land back to the City, which would <br />bring the house into compliance with the setback regulations. Mr. McElwain stated that <br />option #1 is not an acceptable option, and option #2 would be prohibitively expensive. In <br />exchange for the strip of land, Mr. McElwain explained that the owners' original proposal <br />was to complete the sidewalk construction on the remainder of the street, but this was found <br />to also be prohibitively expensive when the City estimated the cost of sidewalk construction <br />at $40,000 due to the need to build retaining walls and handrails. Mr. McElwain stated that <br />the owmers are now proposing to contribute $15,000 to the City's sidewalk construction fund <br />which would benefit the neighborhood, would maintain the integrity of the structure, and <br />would help the City increase funds for sidewalk construction. Mr. McElwain noted that the <br />owners are continuing to explore the cost of privately constructing the sidewalk and if the <br />cost is substantially less than the $40,000 estimate then the owners would agree to either <br />contribute the $15,000 or construct the sidewalk. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hendrix explained that Mr. Huja has recommended that the decision of the Board <br />of Zoning Appeals be upheld, but his recommendation and that of the City Attorney, is to <br />either require the owners to build the sidewalk or contribute $20,000 to the City's sidewalk <br />construction fund. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Toscano, Mr. McElwain estimated that the owners <br />own approximately 15 other units, but he added that most units have been renovated and not <br />newly constructed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano asked where this sidewalk is on the list of future sidewalks to be <br />constructed, and Mr. Gouldman replied that he was informed by Ms. Mueller that there are <br />no immediate plans for the City to build this sidewalk due to the difficulty in constructing it. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Vandever about why Ivlr. Huja thought the ruling of <br />the Board of Zoning Appeals should be upheld, Mr. Huja stated that while he sympathizes <br />with the property owners, he is concerned that the decision of the BZA would be sidestepped <br />and that a precedent would be set for future cases. <br /> <br /> Mr. McElwain explained that due to recent court rulings, the Board of Zoning Appeals <br />did not have the authority to grant a variance in this situation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vandever stated that he thinks it would be reasonable to require the property <br />owners to contribute the $20,000 to the City or to build the sidewalk themselves to the City's <br />specifications and made a motion to that effect. Ms. Daugherty seconded the motion. <br /> <br /> The ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE CONVEYANCE <br />OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON SHAMROCK ROAD TO CRAIG PIC~RING AND <br />RICH~ WARD," on the condition that the owners contribute $20,000 to the CitY's <br />sidewalk construction fund, or construct the sidewalk on Shamrock Road to the CitY's <br />specification," was carded over to the next meeting for consideration. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE: CLOSING HEDGE STREET BETWEEN 2ND AND 3RD STREETS <br /> <br /> Mr. Gouldman explained that the Planning Commission had recommended that the <br />portion of Hedge Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets be closed on the condition that the City <br />would reserve a 20 foot wide pedestrian access easement along the centertine, which <br />easement shall expire if someone from the private sector fails to construct a 5 foot wide <br /> <br /> <br />