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115 <br /> <br />REPORT: SKATEBOARDING FACILITY IN TOWE PARK <br /> <br /> Mr. Gary O'Connell, Deputy City Manager, stated that staff recommended that a <br />portion of Towe Park be approved for use as a skateboarding facility, subject to certain <br />conditions. Mr. O'Connell noted that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has <br />approved using the Park for this use, subject to City approval, raising of private funds for <br />construction of the facility, and availability of operating funds. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Ms. Slaughter, Mr. O'Connell stated that the Towe Park <br />Committee has not discusSed the issue, but no development is scheduled for that portion of <br />the park in the Master Plan. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Ms. Daugherty, Mr. O'Connell stated that other <br />skateboard facilities surveyed are generally fenced and supervised when open. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano asked whether there is any prohibition against leasing property in Towe <br />Park and Mr, O'Connell replied that he was not aware of any prohibition. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano stated that he would prefer to have someone other than the City bear the <br />responsibility of operating a skateboarding facility in return for a $1 per year lease. Mr. <br />Toscano asked whether a proposed operating budget has been developed for the facility. <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell stated that the City and County Parks and Recreation Department staff <br />have only estimated an operating budget of $20,000 annually. <br /> <br /> Mr, Toscano stated that he feels it will be very difficult for the City to find money for <br />operating a skateboarding~ facility, and Mr. O'Connell stated that City staff have <br />recommended that the facility be self-funded. <br /> <br /> Ms. Slaughter agreed that the facility should be self-funded given other community <br />needs at this time. Ms. Slaughter stated that did not think the City should be taking on such <br />an enterprise at this time Other than providing the space, and would support the facility on the <br />condition that it be operated by a skateboarding association. <br /> On motion by Mr. Vandever, seconded by Ms. Daugherty, Council unanimously <br />approved, with Rev. Edwards absent, granting use of property at Towe Park for a <br />skateboarding facility with the following conditions as reconunended by Mr. O'Connell: 1) <br />that there be a private fundraising effort to construct the skateboard park, without any public <br />funding being necessary; 2) that there be a concrete plan for the operations of the skateboard <br />park that includes how it will be supervised and a plan for adequate private funding (of which <br />some or all may be generated by user fees) for those operating expenses including liability <br />insurance; and 3) no construction work on the skateboard park begin until an appropriate <br />legal agreement is developed between the City, County and the skateboard association <br />outlining the financial and operating requirements and how each will he met. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION: AMENDMENTS TO ADA PLAN (CURB CUTS) <br /> <br /> On motion by Ms. Slaughter, seconded by Mr. Vandever, the ADA Transition Plan <br />revision, including the following amendment language, was unanimously approved, with Rev. <br />Edwards absent: To the extent required by law, whenever streets, roads, and highways are <br />"altered" within the meaning of the ADA, curb cuts will be provided. To demonstrate its <br />ongoing interest in providing all necessary curb cuts, the City wilt continue to install curb cuts <br />on a systematic basis with a plan to provide all of the needed curb cuts within a reasonable <br />time, No less than $50,000 annually shall be devoted to installation of such curb cuts on <br />existing streets until the plan is completed. In addition, the City will continue its current <br />practice of adding curb cuts to all sidewalk reconstruction projects. <br /> <br /> <br />