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122 <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano announced that a video of the orchestra's perfommnce in Chicago will be <br />shown on public access television on January 19th. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION: PROPOSED INTERCHANGE AT ROUTE 29 NORTH AND <br />HYDRAULIC ROAD <br /> <br /> Mr. Satyendra Huja, Director of Community Development, stated that the Planning <br />Commission, following a public hearing on January 10th, recommended that the proposal of <br />the Hydraulic Road grade separated interchange not be further pursued at this time by the <br />Virginia Department of Transportation since it is not in the best interest of the community for <br />the following reasons: 1) It does not significantly deal with identified traffic problems. It <br />devotes most of the right-of-way and improvements to through-traffic problems and it does <br />not adequately deal with the local traffic needs of the community. 80% of the traffic on this <br />route is local traffic. 2) It will have a significant adverse economic impact on adjacent <br />businesses and properties in terms of limiting access to these properties and due to additional <br />right-of-way acquisitions at this intersection. It will require U-turn movements at intersection <br />to get to businesses on the other side of the intersection. 3) It will have significant adverse <br />impact on the quality of the environment of the City because of the nature of the proposed <br />development, which includes 25 feet depressed 29 North lanes with retaining walls. The <br />nature of the proposed interchange design is not harmonious to the character of the <br />community. 4) It will have a significant adverse impact on the utilities as they will have to be <br />relocated and would cost a significant amount for such actions. 5) It will have an adverse <br />impact due to noise and air pollution. 6) It will have an adverse impact on the response time <br />on utility vehicles in the adjacent neighborhoods and businesses especially as it relates to <br />public safety and emergency vehicles. 7) It will result in the eliminating of a large amount of <br />improvements currently being made at the intersection and on 29 North. Mr. Huja added that <br />the Planning Commission encourages cooperative planning with Albemarle County and the <br />University of Virginia to improve regional transportation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano explained that he had survey Councilors on the interchange issue and, as a <br />result, developed a proposed resolution which he read. <br /> <br /> Ms. Daugherty made a motion to aplcn-ove the resolution and Mr. Vandever seconded <br />the motion. <br /> <br /> Ms. Daugherty stated that she supports the resolution because of the extreme toss of <br />businesses and revenue that the interchange would cause at one of the City's major business <br />centers. Mr. Daugherty added that a lot of effort has been made to make entrances into the <br />City attractive and she views the proposed interchange design as a huge, cold concrete <br />structure. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vandever stated that the interchange design brings in all of the negatives of the <br />previously proposed expressway design, which the City had opposed, without any of the <br />benefits, such as the elimination of traffic lights. Mr. Vandever stated that he feels the <br />Meadowcreek Parkway and Western Bypass, with the North Grounds connector road, need <br />to be constructed. Mr. Vandever stated that he feels the interchange would be a disastrous <br />design for the City and defies common sense. <br /> <br /> Ms. Slaughter stated that she feels the agreement between the City, County, and <br />University of Virginia is important, but emphasized that at the time the agreement was made <br />the projects were conceptual, and only now when details can been focused on, are the true <br />impacts made apparent. Ms. Slaughter stated that she tNnks the proposed resolution <br />addresses the special issues with which Councilors are concerned. <br /> <br /> Mt-. Toscano reviewed the process leading up to Council's consideration of the <br />interchange at Hydraulic Road. A public session on the proposed interchanges was held by <br />the Virginia Department of Transportation in the fall. As a result of this session, the public <br />asked Council and the Planning Commission to study the issue. Mr. Toscano stated that the <br />numbers and depth of opposition expressed, in both the public hearing and in calls and letters, <br />many of which were from Albemarle County residents, was unexpected. Mr. Toscano noted <br /> <br /> <br />