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123 <br /> <br />that the proposed resolution is narrowly focused, commenting only on the interchange at <br />Hydraulic Road, Mr. Toscano stated that he feels this is a legitimate issue for the Council to <br />focus on because the proposed interchange is in the City's jurisdiction. Furtherrnore, Mr. <br />Toscano stated that the Council wants to maintain the relationship with and continue <br />dialogue with Albemarle County on transportation issues. Mr. Toscano stated that he does <br />not feel the Council can ignore taking action on the proposed interchange for the following <br />reasons: 1) the City is landlocked, with little land left to develop; 2) over $1 million in tax <br />revenues are generated in the immediate area surrounding the interchange; 3) the cost of $45 <br />million for the entire project is excessive; and 4) the proposed interchange design is too <br />massive for the size of the communitv. <br /> <br /> The resolution regarding the proposed grade separated interchange at U. S. Route 29 <br />and Hydraulic Road was unanimously approved, with Rev. Edwards absent. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, on January 10, 1995, tiffs City Council and the City Planning <br />Commission held a joint pUblic hearing on the urban diamond interchange proposed by the <br />Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT") for the intersection of U.S. Route 29 and <br />Hydraulic Road; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, in 1991 the City, the County of Albemarle and the University of Virginia <br />issued a joint resolution that endorsed the concept of a grade separated interchange at the <br />Hydraulic Road intersection as part of efforts to improve traffic flow in the Route 29 North <br />corridor; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, City Council deems it necessary to re-examine the appropriateness of a <br />grade-separated interchange at this location because: (1) of the specific interchange design <br />proposed by VDOT, (2) of new estimates of the proposed cost of the project, (3) of new data <br />on the economic impact of the interchange on City businesses, and (4) of new information on <br />the fiscal impact of the proposed project on City revenues; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, City Council has considered the recommendations from the City's <br />planning staff and the Planning Conunission, and reviewed the design, plans, and projections <br />prepared by the consultant for VDOT; <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of <br />Charlottesville that the Virginia Department of Transportation is hereby requested not to <br />proceed with the design and construction of the proposed grade-separated interchange at the <br />intersection of Hydraulic Road and U.S. Route 29, for the following reasons: <br /> <br /> 1. Construction of the proposed interchange would destroy four commercial <br />buildings: and would have an adverse economic impact on a significant number of additional <br />City businesses; <br /> <br /> 2. A significant percentage of the road improvements now being constructed on <br />Route 29 would be eliminated by the construction of the interchange; <br /> <br /> 3. In terms of cost, aesthetics, environmental impact, and traffic movement, this <br />grade-separated interchange is not in character with the size and nature of the community, <br />and is inappropriate as a major entrance corridor into the City. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council believes that the City of <br />Charlottesville, Albemarle, County, and the University of Virginia should continue to play the <br />predominant rote in determining the type, nature, and sequencing of road improvements in <br />the Route 29 corridor, and that Virginia Department of Transportation should continue to <br />seek their input before any further decisions are made. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy- of this Resolution be transmitted to the <br />Virginia Secretary of Trarisportation, the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of <br />Transportation, the Charlgttesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization, the <br />County of Albemarle Boaird of Supervisors, and to the University of Virginia. <br /> <br /> <br />