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199 <br /> <br />single family units. Mr. ~Blevins stated that he felt <br />neighborhood associations represented a vocal minority and <br />that many people do not. understand the R-lA proposal. Mr. <br />Blevins encouraged the City to enforce existing laws instead <br />of adopting the R-lA proposal. <br /> <br /> Ms. Barbara Rich, a resident of the Ash Tree apartments <br />in the Venable neighborhood, opposed the R-lA proposal, <br />adding that she enjoys living with students and feels they <br />are reSpectable tenants. <br /> <br /> Ms. Jane Foster of 6 GildersleeVe Wood, representing the <br />Jefferson Park Avenue Neighborhood Association, spoke in <br />favor of the R-lA zoning proposal. <br /> <br /> Mr. Joseph Rhames of 611 E. Market St., stated that he <br />supported the R-lA zoning proposal in general and supported <br />allowing by-right accessory apartments regardless of the size <br />of the unit, with one fourth of the total square footage, or <br />a maximum of 400 square feet allowed for an apartment in R-lA <br />and R-1 zones, on the condition of owner occupancy. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ann Getty of 2202 Hill Street, stated that students <br />in her neighborhood are supportive of the iR-lA zoning <br />proposal. <br /> <br /> Mr. Kevin Cox stated that he agreed with encouraging <br />high density housing around the University of Virginia and <br />supported compensatory upzoning. <br /> <br /> Ms. Anna Bruce of 717 Hinton Avenue, supported the R-iA <br />zoning proposed for her'neighborhood and requested that <br />Council'take~action on the matter-as soon as~possible. <br /> <br /> As there were no further speakers the public hearing was <br />closed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano questioned whether~a large apartment <br />building could be built along the entrance corridors given <br />the proposed restrictions and Mr. Huja stated that such an <br />apartment building could be built beyond 100 feet of the <br />street~if parking requirements~could be met. Mr. Huja added <br />that special permits could be issued in certain situations <br />for high density units. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Toscano, Mr. Huja <br />stated that 5,000 units could~be built on lots which are <br />currently vacant and are zoned R-l, R-2 and R-3. <br /> <br /> Mr.~Toscano questioned~how many 'unrelated persons~woUld <br />be allowed in an accessory apartment and Mr. Huja replied <br />that two persons could live in an accessory apartment or as <br />roomers. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano stated that he understood that 270 units <br />would be eligible for by-right duplexes and asked how many <br />accessory apartment Would be allowed with the restrictions <br />proposed. Mr. Huja stated that the proposal would allow 800 <br />accessory apartment. <br /> <br /> Responding'to a question from Ms. Slaughter regarding <br />the number of accessory apartments which would be~ allowed, if <br />the square footage requirement was reduced to. 1~,600 square <br />feet, Mr. Huja stated that 1,238 units would be allowed, but <br />noted that this did not factor in the owner occupancy <br />requirement. <br /> <br /> Mr, Toscano noted that the study conducted by 'the <br />University of Virginia SchOol of ~Architecture showed that <br />nationwide approximately 20% of those Persons allowed to <br />convert to a duplex by right do so. <br /> <br /> <br />