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8   <br />  <br /> <br /> <br />  <br />“and nearby properties" to the Mart ha Jefferson site redevelopment sentence in the same section. <br />On motion by Ms. Szakos, seconded by Ms. Galvi n, the suggested changes passed (Ayes: Mr. <br />Norris, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Szakos, Mr. Huja; Noes: Ms. Smith). <br /> <br />Ms. Smith said the median family income figur es clash and asked staff to revise. Under <br />Utility Fees, she suggested rephrasing “maintenan ce costs only" to “maintenance costs and other <br />income". She said goal thr ee under Environment did not cap ture the staff recommendation, <br />which read "protect, increase and provide an interconnected system of green space and buffers <br />that support habitat for wildlife, improve water qu ality and...." Also, she said she is concerned <br />that public works employees do not have the sa me level of safety equipment as the fire <br />department. She would like to consider addressing that at some point. <br /> <br />She asked why neighborhoods are included in the small area pl an drawings. She <br />understood representing corridors, but not parts of the neighbor hoods. Ms. Creasy said staff <br />wants to make sure the neighborhoods stay inform ed of things that ar e occurring. Ms. Galvin <br />said this implies that certain ne ighborhoods would not want to be in cluded in particular plans. <br />Ms. Smith said she would like assurance that ne ighborhoods are not being targeted for the same <br />kind of redevelopment the entrance corridors are being targeted for. Ms. Creasy said that is <br />definitely not the intende d effect; this provides staff with a tool for identifying known concerns <br />and facilitating discussion s with the neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Ms. Szakos said she supported the green in frastructure proposal but not replacing the <br />"only". Ms. Smith requested removing "only"; Ms. Szakos agreed. On motion by Ms. Smith, <br />seconded by Ms. Szakos, the proposed changes were passed. (Ayes: Mr. Norris, Ms. Galvin, Ms. <br />Szakos, Mr. Huja, Ms. Smith; Noes: None). <br /> <br />Ms. Smith asked to change the word "must" be considered to "should" be considered under <br />Housing Goal 1. Mr. Norris said if we are not going to insist our Comprehensive Plan fall in line <br />with our percentage goal, then the goal is useless. Mr. Hu ja seconded the motion. The motion <br />was defeated. (Ayes: Ms. Smith, Mr. Huja; No es: Mr. Norris, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Szakos.) <br /> <br />On motion by Ms. Szakos, seconded by Ms. Galvin, the Comprehensive Plan was <br />approved. (Ayes: Ms. Smith, Mr. Huja; Mr. No rris, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Szakos; Noes: None.) <br /> <br />Mr. Huja requested hard copi es of the finalized plan. <br /> RESOLUTION: CAT PROPOSAL & ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />CAT Proposal & Advisory Board Recommendation <br /> <br />CAT Advisory Board Recommendation <br /> <br />Mr. Jones presented the CAT proposal to C ouncil. He gave an overview of the study <br />background and reviewed proposed route changes. <br /> <br />Mr. Norris thanked CAT for replacing the Belmont Park route.