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9   <br />  <br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br />Mr. Jones said this will be on the webs ite for those who wish to view it. <br /> <br />Ms. Szakos asked if a stop at Pen Park was be ing considered for Route 11. Mr. Jones said <br />this will be evaluated when the infrastructure is there. Ms. Szakos asked for a time estimate. Mr. <br />Jones said this should occur in the next eight months or so. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith said the quarter mile shading is he lpful and asked to add City boundaries to the <br />map. She thanked CAT for being at the Bike Walk Play JPA event. Ms. Smith said she is pleased <br />they are working with the City’s IT department on mobile applications and data tracking. Ms. <br />Smith asked for bus service near Jefferson School. <br /> <br />Mr. Huja said half hour service during peak r outes is helpful and thanked him for a more <br />direct, improved route schedule. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith asked where people can go to loca te current bus stops. Mr. Jones said the <br />information is on the web, and staff will provide posters once the new routes have passed. <br /> <br />Ms. Szakos asked about budgetary requirements and clarified th at the budgetary impact is <br />just for this year. <br /> <br />On motion by Ms. Szakos, seconded by Ms. Smith, the CAT Proposed Plans were <br />approved. (Ayes: Ms. Smith, Mr. Huja; Mr. Norr is, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Szakos; Noes: None.) <br /> <br />Ms. Galvin thanked CAT for improvements to the predictability of the system, which will <br />increase ridership. Ms. Szakos asked CAT to remember people who cannot access the web when <br />providing information. Mr. Norris asked how much the night service fo r Route 10 at Pantops <br />costs. Mr. Jones estimated $60,000-$65,000. Mr. Norris asked where the funding is coming <br />from to implement these changes. Mr. Jones said staff will come back to Council at a later time <br />with proposals for funding sources. Ms. Galvin said we should begin a conversation about <br />extending CAT service to Martha Jefferson. <br /> <br />Mr. Jones presented the CAT Advisory Boar d proposal to Council. The board would <br />comprise of a cohesive group of representatives that would meet on a regular basis, make <br />recommendations, and help with budgeta ry and operational improvements. <br /> <br />Mr. Norris said the board should include a robust number of member s who are actually <br />transit users. Ms. Galv in said Bike/Ped members should be included on the board. Ms. Galvin <br />said PLACE may be involved when planning bus st ops. Mr. Huja said all graphics should have <br />some coordination with PLACE. Ms. Smith said taxis could be a group that becomes involved at <br />some point. <br /> <br />Council supported the idea and as ked Mr. Jones to return with a rewritten resolution that <br />incorporates their suggestions. <br /> <br />