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5 <br /> She reviewed solutions for improvement at the intersection, including road <br />markings, flashing beacons, and median modifi cations. Other options that would require <br />an additional funding source are flashi ng light signals, improvements on 250 and <br />Hydraulic, or rerouting traffic at Rugby Road. <br /> <br /> Ms. Szakos asked if we could install a signal that only operates during certain <br />hours. Ms. Alexander said driver expectan cy makes this option potentially confusing. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith asked about eliminating the yield coming off 250 onto Hydraulic, and <br />simply turning at the light in stead of having the yield lane. Ms. Alexander said you lose <br />too much capacity to make that a viable opt ion. Ms. Smith asked what would happen if <br />changes were made to Rugby Road. Ms. Al exander said restri cting access at Rugby <br />Road frees up green time at the signal to allo w for more flow. This option would require <br />a lot of public input. <br /> <br />Ms. Galvin asked where the money would co me from for the items that were not <br />budgeted. Mr. Jones said it would be part of the CIP process. Ms. Szakos asked if the <br />Dunlora neighborhood light was temporary. Ms. Alexander said it was. Ms. Szakos <br />asked if you could create a longer right turn lane off 250 and eliminate the yield. Ms. <br />Alexander said it could be considered, but cost and the distance to the bridge was a <br />limiting factor. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked about a signal that was demand-actuated at the intersection and <br />whether this was included in the study. Ms. Al exander said there is an assumption that a <br />new signal will work as well as possible. Ev en if demand-actuated, the delay created is <br />still too great. Ms. Alexander explained the process of studying potential connector <br />roads. Topography and location of the road given existing buildings are restricting <br />factors. Mr. Norris asked about extending th e Hearthwood parking area. Ms. Alexander <br />said there are opportunities as things may rede velop, but staff has looke d at this as a near- <br />term operational traffic solution. <br /> <br />Ms. Galvin asked about looking into the Hi llsdale Drive design area and said this <br />is the time to make sure the design makes sense and implementing long-term fixes to <br />traffic problems surrounding this area. Ms. Al exander said that was beyond the limits <br />staff had put on themselves at this point, but they will look into options going forward. <br /> <br /> Ms. Smith said it makes sense to pro ceed with the easy solutions for now. Council <br />agreed. Ms. Alexander said staff will start with pavement markings, and go from there. <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT: COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, DIVERSITY AND RACE <br />RELATIONS <br /> <br /> Mr. Jones outlined the work of the Dialogue on Race Steering Committee to <br />develop an initiative to address race relati ons in our community. The recommendation of <br />staff is that a task force should be established to research the viability of the commission.