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6 <br /> <br /> Ms. Smith said starting off too quickly may result in failure and could be <br />damaging. She has also heard concerns th at the Dialogue on Race would not have <br />capacity for both projects. <br /> <br /> Ms. Szakos said a process is important. Participants must become involved so that <br />there is consensus. The taskforce is a good idea, but it should not take a year. <br /> <br /> Ms. Galvin agreed that process is im portant. There are several potentially <br />problematic questions that need to be pr operly researched before we form this <br />commission. Mr. Jones’ solu tion seems thorough and fair. Fo cusing on racism as the sole <br />reason for unemployment may hinder us fr om working on other real obstacles of <br />employment. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said he does not agree with the recommendation to delay the creation <br />of the commission. Moving ahead now woul d be good. The advocates for this proposal <br />have made an error in focusing almost excl usively on enforcement and investigation of <br />discrimination. He listed several issues th at exist in our comm unity and said this <br />commission could have a signi ficant impact on these things . A single-minded focus has <br />missed the mark. <br /> <br /> Ms. Szakos said it seems a lot of the issues Mr. Norris listed are covered by the <br />Dialogue on Race. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said if you appoint a commission just to say you have done it, it will not <br />be as effective as it could be. He agreed th at he would like to see a shorter time frame, <br />not one year. Ms. Smith said it still does not seem clear what we are asking the <br />commission to do. Mr. Norris said we should es tablish the commission to help with some <br />immediate issues, and then use the process to figure out how the commission will <br />function. <br /> <br />Ms. Szakos said we should appoint an eleven member commission task force <br />made up of residents in the community, and within six months get a report from them <br />about the viability of a permanent commissi on. Then we should create a commission <br />with an ordinance, and phase in the process of their enforcement. <br /> <br />Mr. Huja said we should reduce the time frame but refrain from prejudging what <br />the recommendation may be. Ms. Galvin said she agreed with Mr. Huja. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jones said he chose twelve mont hs because that would give us a good <br />understanding of the issues from start to fini sh, with time to estab lish referral points and <br />tracking. We could probably gain this knowledge within ten months. <br /> <br /> On motion by Ms. Galvin, seconded by Ms. Szakos, Council voted to accept Mr. <br />Jones’ proposal with a ten month process inst ead of twelve months, and requested a five