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7 <br />month interim report. (Ayes: Ms. Galvin, Ms. Szakos, Mr. Huja, Ms. Smith; Noes: Mr. <br />Norris.) <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT: SRO UPDATE <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert reported to Council on the SRO update and intr oduced Allison <br />Bogdanovich and her team. Ms. Bogdanovich presented a power point to Council, along <br />with Stephanie Johnson and Erin Briggs, updating them on construction progress and <br />leasing. She reviewed the project timeline. Virginia Supportive Housing has a 90% <br />success rate for clients. She reviewed The Crossings project. Information is available at <br /> The total project cost was $8.2 million, coming <br />from several different sources, including th e City’s support in acquiring the site. Ms. <br />Bogdanovich thanked the development team and their supporters, and said they are <br />continuing to fundraise for this project. <br /> <br /> Ms. Galvin asked if there are term limits for residents. Ms. Bogdanovich said they <br />do not, but most residents stay an average of four years. Ms. Szakos asked about what a <br />volunteer may be able to do. Ms. Bogdanovich sa id helping with cla sses, assistance with <br />budgeting, and other activities that do not includ e resident contact, such as event planners <br />are all among the possible volunt eer activities. Ms. Smith asked about heating. Ms. <br />Bogdanovich said heating is run on a mini-spl it system, and utilitie s are included in the <br />rent. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked where people are going after they move out. Ms. Bogdanovich <br />said 90% of residents are not returning to the streets. Most residents move into <br />apartments or are reunited with familie s, and a few even buy their own homes. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja said he is pleased at the services the program provides in addition to a <br />home. <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT: RENEWABLE ENERGY REVOLVI NG LOAN FUND PROPOSAL <br /> <br /> Ms. Mueller presented to staff on the loan proposal. <br /> <br />Mr. Huja asked how interest rates were invo lved in the process. It was clarified <br />that this was for existing build ings, not new buildings. He said this ought to be a simple <br />program and should not be made so complicated that it is difficult to qualify. He asked if <br />there would be a limit to the amount of the lo an that can go with any one building. Ms. <br />Szakos said the loan amount should be propor tional to the number of employees. Ms. <br />Galvin agreed. <br /> <br />Mr. Norris said the original intention was that this would be a grant to LEAP. <br />Ms. Mueller said LEAP has asked us to give them Council feedback. Mr. Norris said we <br />are looking to do this quickly so local busine sses can take advantage of state dollars that