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8 <br />are scheduled to expire. Mr. Norris said we could use these funds as leverage to <br />encourage property owners to become energy efficient. Mr. Huja said it should be for <br />commercial property owners only. Ms. Smith said we should get a report on what the <br />savings are. Ms. Szakos said she would like to see it ongoing, especia lly if there is low <br />interest. Ultimately it is not money we are spending; it is money we are investing. Ms. <br />Galvin said we are generating energy that we could then se ll. Mr. Huja confirmed with <br />Mr. Jones that staff had sufficient guidance to move forward. <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT: MCINTIRE PARK EAST SI DE MASTER PLAN UPDATE <br /> <br /> Mr. Daly presented on the status of mast er planning efforts for the east side of <br />McIntire Park. In response to a previous concern voiced during Ma tters by the Public, <br />Ms. Galvin clarified that she was not im posing a bias at the meeting, but she was <br />concerned all options we re not on the table. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris asked about the logical impli cations of option four, which would not <br />have a golf presence in McInti re Park. He asked what it wo uld take to enhance the golf <br />program elsewhere, particularly the First Te e program. Mr. Jones said there would be a <br />cost associated, and Mr. Daly can research th e answers. Ms. Szakos said First Tee is <br />running at a deficit. Ms. Smith said we shoul d know the financial impact of these options. <br />Mr. Huja said he likes the botanical garden but is concerned about funding and who it the <br />gardens would serve. Ms. Galvin asked for information on users. Ms. Smith said we may <br />need a discussion on each possible component of the park. Not all uses may be <br />appropriate. Mr. Huja thanked Mr. Daly fo r the presentation and said we may have <br />further discussion in the future. Ms. S zakos thanked Mr. Daly for a good process. <br /> <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS – PROJET GAITWAY: BELMONT BRIDGE DESIGN <br />COMPETITION <br /> <br /> Ms. Galvin said the UVA School of Ar chitecture is doing a design competition, <br />and we may also have access to a grant. She questioned whether we should pay for a <br />competition with so many free ideas coming in from the University. Mr. Huja asked Mr. <br />Brian Wimer to defend his reque st in light of the UVA proj ect. Mr. Wimer said the <br />University’s display on Saturday is mostly within the University. The Project Gaitway <br />competition will be displayed at City Space, and there will be public choice and jury <br />choice selections. Ms. Galvin said she wa s pleased her fellow Councilors supported the <br />venture. On motion by Ms. Szakos, s econded by Ms. Smith, the motion passed <br />unanimously. (Ayes: Ms. Galvin, Ms. Smith, Ms. Szakos, Mr. Huja, Mr. Norris; Noes: <br />None.) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />