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AN ORDINANCE <br />• AMENDING AND REORDAINING SECTION 15-204 OF ARTICLE V <br />OF CHAPTER 15 OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE, 1990, <br />AS AMENDED, EXPANDING PERMIT PARKING ZONE 3. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that Section <br />15-204 of Article V of Chapter 15 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville, 1990, as amended, <br />is hereby amended and reordained as follows: <br />Sec. 15-204. Zones designated and parking permits required; exceptions. <br />(a) The following areas of the city are hereby designated as permit parking zones, within <br />which it shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle to be parked on a public right of way or street <br />unless such vehicle shall properly display a parking permit validly issued in accordance with <br />regulations adopted pursuant to this division: <br />Zone 1. That area bounded on the south by Thomson Road, on the east by Emmet Street, on <br />the north by Ivy Road, and on the west by the city limits. <br />Zone 2. That area bounded on the north by Stadium Road, Emmet Street, and Jefferson Park <br />Avenue, on the west by Appletree Road, on the south by Jefferson Park Avenue, Valley Road, <br />• Valley Road Circle, and the Southern Railroad track, and on the east by Monroe Lane. <br />Zone ,3. That area bounded on the north by Grady Avenue, Preston Place, 16th Street, and <br />Grady Avenue, on the east by ' th Street 10'/z Street, N.W., on the south by Page Street west <br />of 10'/2 Street, N.W., John Street, 14th Street to Virginia Avenue, Virginia Avenue and the <br />C & O Railroad track between Virginia Avenue and Rugby Road, and on the west by Rugby <br />Road. <br />Zone 4. That area bounded on the north by Perry Drive, Parkway Street, Farrish Street, <br />Malcolm Crescent, Kelly Avenue and Poplar Street, on the east by Locust Avenue, on the south <br />by East High Street, and on the west by Altamont Street and First Street and including Altamont <br />Circle and Walker Street. <br />Zone 5. That portion of Edgewood Lane between its intersection with Rugby Road and its point <br />of divergence from Fendall Avenue. <br />Zone 6. That area bounded on the east by 5th Street, N.W., on the north by the southern <br />property line of the city maintenance yard, on the west by 7'/2 Street, N.W., on the south by <br />Elsom Street, the 100 block of 7th Street, N.W. and Commerce Street. <br />Zone 7. That area bounded on the north by Grove Street, Estes Street and the CSX Railroad, <br />on the west by Baker Street and North Baker Street, on the south by Cherry Avenue, and on the <br />• east by 5th Street, S.W. <br />