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AN ORDINANCE <br />• AMENDING AND REORDAINING SECTION 34-779 OF ARTICLE XX <br />OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, AS AMENDED, <br />RELATING TO DIRECTIONAL MALL SIGNS FOR BUSINESSES. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that Section <br />34-779 of Article XX of the Charlottesville City Code, 1990, as amended, is hereby amended <br />and reordained, as follows: <br />ARTICLE XX. SIGNS <br />Section 34-779. Standards for Temporary or Portable Signs. <br />(a) Temporary or portable signs are permitted subject to the conditions set out in this <br />section. <br />(b) One temporary or portable sign, limited to two (2) faces, may be located on <br />property occupied by a lawful use in a B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, M-1 or M-2 District. <br />• (c) The sign must not be located in any required off-street parking space, driveway, <br />alley or fire lane, and must not impede pedestrian traffic. <br />(d) The sign may be illuminated, provided that it is not flashing and conforms to the <br />City's electrical code. <br />(e) The sign may not contain any moving parts. <br />(f) No temporary or portable sign may be placed in a design control district unless <br />it is first approved by the Board of Architectural Review. <br />(g) Signs in a B-4 District and in B-3 Districts adjacent to the B-4 Districts shall not <br />exceed ten (10) square feet per sign face, and shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. <br />Temporary or portable signs permitted in any other district shall not exceed fifteen (15) square <br />feet per face. <br />(h) Businesses fronting on the downtown pedestrian mall may place a temporary or <br />portable sign on the mall immediately adjacent to their property, provided the sign is removed <br />during nonbusiness hours, and the person placing the sign on the mall first agrees to indemnify <br />the City against any liability arising from the placement of such a sign. <br />(i) Businesses fronting on the "Corner" district along University Avenue from 13th <br />• Street, NW to Chancellor Street and along Elliewood Avenue and 14th Street, NW from <br />University Avenue to Wertland Street may place a temporary or portable sign immediately <br />