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Ordinances 1976-2009
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3/12/2025 1:20:55 PM
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3/30/2015 2:41:50 PM
City Attorney
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AN ORDINANCE <br />CLOSING, VACATING AND DISCONTINUING <br />• WOODROW STREET <br />WHEREAS, proper notice was duly posted and advertised that Stadium Road Limited <br />Partnership would request the City Planning Commission to initiate street closing procedures to <br />close Woodrow Street, 30 feet in width, between Stadium Road and Jefferson Park Avenue, <br />shown on City Real Estate Tax Map 16, running a distance of approximately 478 feet; <br />WHEREAS, owners along the street proposed to be vacated have been duly notified; <br />WHEREAS, a joint public hearing by the Planning Commission and City Council was <br />held on September 10, 1996, and comments from the City staff, the Planning Commission and <br />the public were made and heard; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended closure of said portion of <br />Woodrow Street with certain conditions; now, therefore, <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that Woodrow <br />Street, described as follows, is hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as a public thoroughfare <br />of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, said street not being needed for public use and travel: <br />All of the Woodrow Street right-of-way, approximately 30 feet in <br />• width, from its intersection with Stadium Road to its intersection <br />with Jefferson Park Avenue, running a distance of approximately <br />478 feet, as shown on the attached sketch. <br />PROVIDED, that the City of Charlottesville hereby reserves unto itself a perpetual <br />easement ten feet in width on either side of the center line of any water, gas, sanitary or storm <br />sewer mains presently located in the area being vacated, including the perpetual right of ingress <br />and egress over the vacated area for the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing or replacing <br />such utility lines or mains; and <br />PROVIDED FURTHER, that the following conditions are fulfilled: <br />(1) The adjoining property owners, excluding the City of Charlottesville, shall <br />provide for storm water connections to Jefferson Park Avenue from the east side <br />of Woodrow Street as part of the Jefferson Park Avenue sidewalk construction. <br />(2) All adjoining property owners, excluding the City, shall enter into a joint access <br />and maintenance agreement with respect to the vacated area. Such agreement <br />shall preclude the building of additional units on the vacated area. <br />BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of the Council shall send a copy of this <br />ordinance with plat attached to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recordation in the current street <br />• closing book at such time that the City Attorney advises that the conditions have been fulfilled. <br />Approved by Council <br />November 4, 1996 OLVRK OF CITY COUNCIL <br />
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