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Ordinances 1976-2009
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City Attorney
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opportunity to examine its contents and to submit comments to the city on the proposed <br />• statement and on the community development performance of the city. This hearing shall <br />coincide with the initial public hearing on the city's annual budget. <br />• <br />(9) Following the public hearing and any additional meetings or hearings deemed by the <br />city council to be necessary, the council shall make a final decision on the programs, projects <br />and expenditures to be funded from the year's community development block grant and shall <br />adopt an appropriation consistent therewith. <br />(10) All the bodies participating in this process, shall continue to monitor and evaluate <br />the CDBG and HOME programs throughout the year. The task forces and both commissions <br />shall make a year-end evaluation of the projects and programs respectively recommended by <br />them and shall advise the city council of the results of the evaluation and suggest appropriate <br />changes for future years, <br />(11) Once the council has approved and funded a program, any reprogramming of funds <br />or any change in funding involving more than ten percent (10%) of the year's total grant shall <br />be reviewed by the body or bodies which originally advised council regarding the programs <br />being changed. <br />Section 2-420. Procedures for public hearings, meetings and records. <br />(a) All public hearings required under this article shall be advertised in the manner <br />provided by Code of Virginia, Section 15.1-431. <br />(b) All meetings conducted pursuant to this article and all records of the CDBG and <br />HOME programs shall be subject to the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. <br />Section 2-421. Expiration of.article. <br />Three (3) years after the adoption of this article, and each three years thereafter, city <br />council shall review the operation of the process set forth herein, and of the task forces, to <br />determine if they have fulfilled their intended purposes. Unless the council adopts an <br />amendment or resolution continuing this article in effect within one hundred eighty (180) days <br />after the expiration of such three-year period, this article shall become null and void. <br />By Council resolution effective October 18, 1996, the CDBG planning process as outlined <br />in this article was approved until May 4, 1997, at which time Council will review the process <br />to determine whether the intended purposes have been fulfilled. Thereafter, the last described <br />three year cycle will begin again. <br />Approved by Council <br />November 18, 1996 <br />• -4- <br />
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