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economic development activities and other possible categories. They may also include <br />• recommendations on the selection of particular target neighborhoods. Prior to the initial public <br />hearing each year, the CDBG task force, the planning commission and the social development <br />commission shall have met together to discuss any mutual priorities and to coordinate <br />recommendations to the council, if appropriate. <br />(2) After receiving all comments, the council shall establish the goals and policies for <br />the grant year, including such percentage allocations of funds to categories and to particular <br />target neighborhoods as it deems appropriate. <br />(3) After receiving the council's decision about goals and policies, the CDBG task force <br />shall hold such meetings as it deems appropriate and shall develop recommendations for housing <br />and physical development programs and expenditures, within the funding guidelines established <br />by the council. <br />(4) After receiving council's decision about goals and policies, the social development <br />comniission shall hold such meetings as it deems appropriated and shall develop <br />recommendations for human services programs and expenditures, within the guidelines <br />established by the council. <br />(5) If council has selected a target neighborhood for a particular grant year, and <br />appointed a neighborhood task force, the task force shall hold such meetings as it deems <br />• appropriate and shall develop recommendations for programs, projects and expenditures within <br />the neighborhood, within the funding guidelines established by the council. <br />(6) All recommendations for housing and physical development programs from the <br />CDBG and neighborhood task forces shall be reviewed by the city planning commission to <br />ensure that proposed projects are consistent with the city's comprehensive plan, community <br />development objectives and overall physical development needs of the city. The planning <br />commission shall promptly conduct such review and forward the recommendations to the council <br />with appropriate comments. <br />(7) All recommendations for human services programs and expenditures from the social <br />development commission and neighborhood task forces shall be reviewed by the CDBG task <br />force to ensure that proposed projects are consistent with the city's comprehensive plan, <br />community development objectives and overall social needs of the city. The CDBG task force <br />shall promptly conduct such review and forward the recommendations to the council with <br />appropriate comments. <br />(8) After receiving the recommendations of all the task forces and commissions, the city <br />council shall conduct a final public hearing, jointly with all such bodies or their designated <br />representatives, to receive public comment by citizens affected by all proposed CDBG and <br />HOME activities and other interested parties. The published notice for such public hearing shall <br />include a statement of the city's community development objectives to afford citizens an <br />0 -3- <br />