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• (b) The task force shall be composed of twelve (12) members appointed by the city <br />council. The members shall include: <br />(1) Six (6) persons, preferably of low or moderate income, <br />one from each of the six <br />(6) city council designated target neighborhoods; <br />(2) One (1) member of the city planning commission; <br />(3) One (1) member of the social development commission <br />(4) One (1) member of the city school board; <br />(5) One (1) representative of the Charlottesville Federation of Neighborhood Associations; <br />(6) Two (2) additional citizens. <br />The six persons of lew of moderate :..,., fne from the CDBG target neighborhoods shall <br />be appointed for three-year terms. The neighborhood association representative and the <br />additional citizens shall be appointed for two-year terms. The ex officio members shall be <br />appointed for terms concurrent with their terms on the bodies they represent. Appointments to <br />fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired terms. No member may serve more than two (2) <br />complete terms, which may be preceded by completion of another's unexpired term. <br />Section 2-418. Neighborhood task forces. <br />In any grant year in which city council has determined that a portion of available grant <br />• funds will be used for concentrating physical development in a particular "target" neighborhood, <br />the council may appoint a neighborhood task force, consisting of representatives of the CDBG <br />task force, the city planning commission and residents, business people and property owners <br />from the target neighborhood. The term of each neighborhood task force shall be one (1) year, <br />unless otherwise specified by the council, and each neighborhood task force shall operate under <br />such guidelines and perform such advisory functions as the council may direct at the time of <br />appointment. Target neighborhood task forces shall assist in preparing detailed plans and <br />programs for CDBG expenditures within their respective neighborhoods. <br />Section 2-419. Annual process. <br />The following steps shall comprise the annual process for planning and programming the <br />expenditure of community development block grant funds. <br />(1) The city council shall conduct an initial public hearing to solicit the views of citizens <br />and of the CDBG task force, the planning commission and the social development commission <br />on city wide community development and housing needs, and on the general goals and policies <br />for the ensuing grant year. The notice of the initial public hearing shall include an estimate of <br />the amount of funds available for CDBG and HOME activities and the range of activities that <br />may be undertaken. The comments of the task force and commissions may be presented in <br />writing or in person and may include recommendations on the proportion of available funds <br />which should be allocated to human services programs, housing needs, capital improvements, <br />0 -2- <br />