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• AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING AND REORDAINING SECTIONS 2-416, <br />2-417, 2-419 AND 2-420 OF ARTICLE XIII OF CHAPTER 2 <br />OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE, 1990, AS AMENDED, <br />RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PLANNING. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that Sections <br />2-416, 2-417, 2-419 and 2-420 of Article XIII of Chapter 2 of the Code of the City of <br />Charlottesville, 1990, is hereby amended and reordained, as follows: <br />Section 2-416. Purpose and applicability of article. <br />(a) This article sets forth planning and decision making procedures for the community <br />development block grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs, <br />funded under the federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and the federal <br />HOME Investment Partnerships Act of 1991, as amended. <br />(b) CDBG funds should be used primarily to benefit low and moderate income persons, <br />as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The funds may <br />be spent for any activities permitted by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, <br />as amended and applicable federal regulations. HOME funds should be used to strengthen <br />• public-private partnerships to provide more affordable housing as defined by the United States <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development. The funds may be spent for any activities <br />permitted by the HOME Investment Partnerships Act of 1991, as amended, and applicable <br />federal regulations. <br />(c) The process established by this article shall apply only to funds specifically allocated <br />for community development blockrg ant programs under the Housing and Community <br />Development Act of 1974, and the HOME Investment Partnerships Act of 1991, as amended, <br />or other funds specifically so allocated for such purposes by the city council. <br />(d) This process shall not apply to the allocation of any funds remaining from urban <br />renewal activities in the Garrett Street or Vinegar Hill urban renewal projects. <br />Section 2-417. Community development block grant task force. <br />(a) The community development block grant task force is hereby established to advise <br />the city council on the city's physical community development needs, proposed projects to meet <br />such needs and suggested allocations of CDBG and HOME funds for such projects, and to <br />conduct periodic evaluations of the physical aspects of CDBG and HOME programs. Such <br />advice and evaluations shall be forwarded in accordance with the procedures set forth in this <br />article. The CDBG task force shall also review and comment on recommendations for human <br />services programs as provided in Section 2-419. <br />0 <br />