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• 2. That all utilities on site be placed underground. <br />3. That a grading and soil erosion/sediment control plan be submitted for review, approval <br />and financial guarantees for each phase prior to final site plan approval. <br />4. That subdivision plats be submitted for review and approval prior to final site plan <br />approval. <br />5. That all required homeowners association documents be provided for review and <br />approval by the City Attorney and the Department of Planning and Community <br />Development prior to final approval in accordance with Section 34-346 of the City Code. <br />This should clearly state the common land facilities, amenities and infrastructure to be <br />maintained by the homeowners association and not the City of Charlottesville. The <br />Planning Commission wishes to be notified of any design changes especially as they <br />relate to building type and there needs to be assurance of sufficient funding for <br />maintenance of the common facilities and activities. <br />6. That the units be designed for sale as single family residences in accordance with the <br />design concepts included in the application narrative and attachments. <br />7. The PUD must have 20% of its area in each stage devoted to usable open space. <br />• 8. The curb and gutter (CG -6) shall be installed on both sides of all streets with a 24' curb <br />to curb width. <br />9. A strip of privately owned land will separate the t -type turnaround from the 20' <br />right-of-way. An easement at least 15' wide in favor of the City will be created across <br />that strip solely for use by emergency vehicles. Bollards will be used to prevent others <br />from crossing the strip and appropriate signage for safety purposes will be installed. <br />10. The water line must be a minimum of 8" in diameter if looped or 10" in diameter if <br />dead-end and.serving fire hydrants. <br />11. The sanitary sewer capacity must be verified by the developer for adequacy to <br />accommodate the proposed additional development or necessary improvements made to <br />accomplish this. The applicant must do a capacity flow test at several metered locations <br />to the satisfaction of the City. Sewer lines within the PUD will be built to City <br />specifications, but will be privately owned and maintained by the homeowners <br />association. By current ordinance the City has the right to connect other owners (owners <br />of property outside of the PUD) to such a private system; however, the City agrees to <br />exercise that right only under extreme circumstances. That means only when such a new <br />connection is necessary to protect the public health and welfare and the alternatives <br />immediately available have attendant costs which are unreasonably high or prohibitive. <br />