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AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING AND REENACTING THE DISTRICT MAP INCORPORATED <br />IN SECTION 34-15 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE <br />OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, <br />AS AMENDED, BY THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY <br />LOCATED ON AMHERST STREET. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the <br />District Map Incorporated in Section 34-15 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Code of the City of <br />Charlottesville, 1990, as amended, be amended and reenacted as follows: <br />Section 34-15. Zoning District Map. <br />Rezoning from R-1 and R-2 Residential to R -1/R-2 Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br />the property at the west end of Amherst Street, known as the Hickman property, and a portion of <br />the property at 1143 Kensington Avenue, known as the Bull property, shown as a shaded area on <br />the attached sketch. This property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map #3 as <br />Parcels 80 and 39. <br />This approval is conditioned upon the following: <br />Administrative approval of the final revised site plan with the following additions: <br />a) <br />Zoning of the sites and adjacent properties; <br />b) <br />Location, size, height and types of all proposed and existing landscaping, <br />including buffer screening, street trees, site plantings, and tree cover data; <br />C) <br />Location, size, height and type of any signs; <br />d) <br />Handicapped access, parking and other ADA considerations as required; <br />e) <br />A copy of drainage area map, storm and detention designs details & calculations; <br />f) <br />All new & existing utility mains/services (sanitary, gas, electric, water & storm), <br />pipe sizes, structure inverts, location to include roof drain connections or <br />directions of discharge. This information should be indicated on the street <br />center line profile; <br />g) <br />A turn around adequate for emergency vehicles, trash trucks and single unit size <br />trucks; <br />h) <br />Adequately sized utilities & easements for water, sanitary & gas mains. This <br />shall include existing mains also if existing easements have not been recorded. <br />(20' min. width); <br />i) <br />Pavement design and City standard sidewalk details on the plans, <br />j) <br />Water main extensions need to be at least 8" if it is a loop system or 10" if it is a <br />dead-end system for the fire hydrant. <br />k) <br />Erosion control plan to include outlet control and discharge to an adequate <br />channel. Show off-site topography where the receiving channel is calculated for <br />capacity; <br />l) <br />Indicate all streets lights and signage on plans, to include street name signs and <br />"no parking" on the street. <br />m) <br />Maintain 5' separation between service laterals. <br />