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11. The sanitary sewer capacity must be verified by the developer for adequacy to <br />• accommodate the proposed additional development or necessary improvements made to <br />accomplish this. The applicant must do a capacity flow test at several metered locations to the <br />satisfaction of the City. Sewer lines within the PUD will be built to City specifications, but will <br />be privately owned and maintained by the homeowners association. By current ordinance the <br />City has the right to connect other owners (owners of property outside of the PUD) to such a <br />private system; however, the City agrees to exercise that right only under extreme <br />circumstances. That means only when such a new connection is necessary to protect the public <br />health and welfare and the alternatives immediately available have attendant costs which are <br />unreasonably high or prohibitive. <br />12. Natural screening shall be provided along the rear boundaries of all residential PUD <br />lots adjacent to other residences. <br />13. All streets shall be dedicated to the public for the purposes of insuring consistent <br />maintenance, snow removal, trash removal and accommodation of emergency vehicles. <br />14. That the stage two development, the Woodfolk Property, shall have complete <br />engineered site plans, soil erosion/sediment control plans, subdivision plats and engineering <br />details prior to beginning that stage. <br />15. The Natural Habitat must be protected as natural area through a conservation <br />• easement or restrictive covenant with limited public access and with management responsibilities <br />as outlined in such easement or covenant. The habitat must also be completely protected during <br />construction. <br />16. That lighting be oriented to the ground instead of towards the sky or sides. <br />17. All street and driveways shall be hard surfaced asphalt. <br />Approved by Council <br />October 18, 1996 <br />erk ofCity Council <br />0 3 <br />