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AN ORDINANCE <br />. AMENDING AND REORDAINING SECTION 32-92 OF THE CODE <br />OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, AS AMENDED, <br />RELATED TO THE FORMAT OF THE TAXICAB RATE SCHEDULE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that: <br />1. Section 32-92 of Article II of the Charlottesville City Code, 1990, as amended, <br />is hereby amended and reordained, as follows: <br />ARTICLE H. TAXICABS <br />Sec. 32-92. Schedule of maximum rates. <br />(a) It shall be the policy of the city that taxicab rates shall be established by open market <br />competition. Every person owning or operating taxicabs within the city shall file with the chief <br />of police a schedule of the maximum rates which that person will charge for service within the <br />city. The schedule shall conform to the following format: <br />(1) Charge for first one-tenth mile: <br />• (2) Charge for each additional one-sixth mile:_. <br />(3) Charge for each additional one-sixth mile after is $ <br />(4) Charge for waiting time, per minute: <br />(5) Charge for each additional minute of waiting time after is $ <br />(6) Additional charge per trip between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.: <br />(7) Charge for additional passengers: <br />(8) Charges for loading of laundry, groceries, luggage or other special services: <br />(b) Any owner of a taxicab wishing to change his or her rate schedule shall file a <br />proposed new schedule with the chief of police at least thirty days before the new schedule may <br />take effect. A notice shall be posted in that owner's vehicle or vehicles indicating that the <br />proposed change has been filed and the proposed effective date. At the end of the thirty day <br />period the owner may implement the new rates, provided a certificate is obtained from the chief <br />of police indicating that the meter has been changed to reflect accurately the new rates and that <br />the new rates have been displayed on the exterior or interior of the taxicab as required by section <br />32-93. <br />(c) Each owner's filed rates, when effective, shall constitute the maximum charges which <br />the owner or his employee may charge for taxicab service within the city. However, nothing <br />shall prevent an owner or operator from charging less than the rate shown on the meter or <br />offering discounts for elderly or handicapped persons, frequent riders or other classes of <br />. customers. <br />